What had convinced him to start dating Rita? Really what? He didn't feel very good at expressing his feelings- what if she got tired of his awkwardness? She deserved so much more.

He picked up a piece of trampled cornstalk and peeled at it, the night was just now starting to fully appear and he should've been getting back home. Everyone would be waiting for him.

Possibly they might even be worried.

A few feet away, someone came walking down the path, barely illuminated by the moon. Instantly, he recognized the form. Rita. She swayed in the fall wind and her curls bounced on her shoulders, brushing her blue sweater with each step.

He let her wander over quietly. Let her sit down beside him. Let her put a hand on his shoulder.

But he stared intently ahead, inspecting the tiny bits of gravel mixing with the dirt. How the leaves twinkled in a beautiful pomegranate hue. If he ignored her, it was better, he didn't know what to say, or, more so, how to say what he needed to say.

"Ed..." She said, her voice blending into the gentle wind and making him cock his head.

Apparently, that was all she needed to say to him. Drawing his arms to himself, he bit his lip and then exploded, "Look. I'm sorry that I get so jealous! I just get so worried that you'll like someone else like Ulrich or go back to Peter because... I'm not romantic enough! I don't know how to do this right. I've never been in love before. You deserve so much better than me." A sigh escaped his lips and he tried to meet her eyes. Tried to be... not so awkward.

Tried to be less of him.

Squeezing his hand, Rita laid her head on his shoulder, "I don't expect you to be anyone but yourself, Edmund, and I wouldn't want you to be anybody else."

Oh. Then he was doing another thing wrong, "Wouldn't you like me better if I showed my love as Peter did? I'm not very romantic."

"But you are romantic. You're just shy about it, and yes, you may convey your love differently than Peter did, but that's not a bad thing. It's an Edmund thing, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You wouldn't be you without your awkwardness. You can try to be more expressive, but don't overdo it."

She was right, he knew. "I guess." His feet squirmed and he tried a grin, "And I'm sorry for being so foolish and angry."

Was there a time she didn't look so beautiful? Without even trying, she held all his attention, without posing, she looked flawless. On the dirt ground, her feet tucked under her, she was everything he ever wanted. Though he knew she was broken like him; and that was encouraging.

She pecked his cheek, and the warmth returned to his body, "I'm sorry too, for being so angry."

"I forgive you," Biting his lip, he cleared his throat.

"I forgive you too." Her hand squeezed his shoulder.

Behind them, the corn stalks rustled slowly, moving gently in the breeze, barely standing out in front of the dark sky.

"We should get home," Ed suggested, pointing up at the sky, admiring the patterns of the stars. How they sparkled on and off. It was late.

Rita stood and offered out a hand. He grasped it and hauled himself up, but he came much nearer to her than he'd anticipated.

His breath caught. No matter how many times he stood this close to Rita, it never got old, he loved to see how lovely her eyes shone, how graceful her smile was. He loved her.

Then in an instant, Ed had pulled her even closer to himself, tucked a large portion of her hair behind her ear, and connected their lips into a kiss.

Even he was surprised at his action.

The kiss wasn't his usual quick one, but it was slow, gentle, and calm.

He slid a hand around her waist and cherished the taste upon her lips.

Sweet, like watermelon.

Breathlessly, his eyes still closed, he pulled back and felt blush warm his face.

They rested their foreheads against one another and they both breathed in deeply, enjoying the silence of crickets quietly chirping in the background.

Before he might kiss her again, he opened his eyes and hugged her, relishing the feel of her so close to his body. "I'll try better next time."

"So will I." Rita squeezed his body hard and sighed happily, "Now let's get home. Besides, the cookies are probably done now and we can both get one and eat them together on the porch with the rest!" Excitedly, she smiled and clutched his hand.

He squeezed her hand back, looked back at the cornfield, and then he walked back home with her beside him. The day didn't feel so cold anymore now that he wasn't so angry and jealous. It felt refreshing.

And Edmund would continue to love Rita- even if it was hard, even if he felt inadequate, because she was his everything.


He would not give up on her; not that easily.

"Timeless" - Narnian Autumn Writing Challenge - Oneshot CollectionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat