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Please I don’t proofread these writings, kindly forgive all grammatical errors. Happy reading. 

           It’s been 1 month and one week since Imlie got back from the hospital and Aryan had dedicated the last one month taking care of Imlie with the help of Shalu whom he introduced to the family members as a Nurse whom he employed to take care of Imlie and resumed work on the fifth week.

Unknown to the rest of the family members Shalu was not really a Nurse but a retired CBI agent. She used to work in Mumbai until she lost her family and son in a ghastly motor accident. Aryan was of a great help to her that very in making sure she didn’t lose her husband’s assets to her in-laws years back when her In-laws accused her of being ill fated and disowned her and tried to throw her out on the streets, Aryan helped her then and now he needs her professional and experience to protect his wife and his unborn child.

As if having Shalu was not enough the security in the Rathore mansion was a pain in Jyoti’s neck, she barely got the chance to get a lone time with Imlie or sneak in any goon to harm her in anyway, nobody was allowed into Aryan and Imlie’s room except her nurse and Arpita. Aryan decided to trust only his sister out of every other person in the house after he learnt that Imlie told her about her plans of Keri and their fight of Aryan doubting Cheeku’s legitimacy. The fact that Arpita believed and trusted Imlie without questioning her was a plus point for him to trust her with his wife and unborn baby.
         He made his mum understand that she was too nice to a fault that she can trust anyone even when they pose a danger to her and he couldn’t let her have free access with Imlie knowing that there were 2 dangerous snakes in the house who can influence her at any time. Narmada didn’t pay much attention or bother to argue with him, she was more interest in the fact that Imlie was at least alive and that her grandchild was doing well.
With the help of Arpita, Aryan Singh Rathore’s bedroom was turned into a girlie room, the settings were changed to suite the taste of a princess, pink and white interior, beddings and toys of different kinds.

Few months back if someone had told Aryan that he will have to tolerate such things he would have perceived the person to be mentally unstable.

     Aryan got ready to go to the office and left the room, giving space for Shalu to help Imlie get ready and come down for breakfast.

“Good morning maa, good morning badi maa” Aryan greeted as he made his way towards the dinning. Badi maa responded still busy gulping down sweets like they will run away the next minute.
“Morning Aru, how was your night and how is Imlie?”

“She is getting ready she will be down soon” he replied. As he sat down, jyoti greeted him and so did everyone in the room. Preeta stood up and went towards Aryan with a bowl of of Oat meal. “ Ary baby you’ve been working so hard taking care of Imlie and office work, let me take care pf you” she dropped the bowl on the table right in front of Aryan and tried to spoon feed him, just as Aryan tried to protest a voice came from the stairs.
“LIAR” everyone turned and there was Imlie standing in the middle of the stair case, she had tears in her eyes, she was about to start running down but Shalu stilled her by holding her hands, Aryan ran to her, Imlie was already crying, Aryan tried to help her come down stairs but she rejected to take his hands or let him touch her, she came downstairs still crying and throwing tantrums.
“ABP you said I was Aryan Singh Rathore’s, you lied, you said you were my husband. Then why has she been calling you Ary baby Ary baby, if you wanted to be baby you should have been my baby since I am your baby. She was even trying to feed you as her baby”. She covered her face with her hands crying.
“Imlie listen, don’t cry I am sorry but you are my only baby and yes I am your baby to and no one elses”. He tried to console her; everyone was watching, Jyoti was irritated, Preeta spoke up saying she has always called him Ary baby even before he met and married her but Aryan cut off.
“Enough preeta, I have had enough, you will remain quiet and not create more problems for me this morning”.
Aryan looked towards Imlie who was now being consoled by Narmada and Arpita, she was sobbing and this wasn’t making him feel good he went towards her and held her hand and asked
“Baby if you don’t like her calling me Ary baby I will put a stop to it right here and now”
“What !!!” Preeta and Neela exclaimed
Jyoti was happy at least this nuisance calling her Aryan her baby will stop, Arpita and Sundar were elated too at least, now they are liking this version of Imlie, what the adult Imlie couldn’t put a stop to because she was too matured for her age and ignored preeta’s antics, this childish Imlie was going to put a stop to it for sure.
“Yes, I don’t like her or anyone calling you baby, I don’t like it when she tries to touch you, I don’t like it when anyone tries to touch you ABP”

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