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Doctor how is my wife? Aryan asked

She is stable for now Mr. Rathore, she is a very strong girl, she sustained injuries on her elbow and head, it seemed she tried to hold her stomach with her hands while she was rolling down the stairs. She is unconscious for now we cant really say much about her head injury until she wakes. The doctor replied

And the baby, how is my baby?

For now, everything is fine and the baby is doing well too they are both very strong I must confess, we will wait until she wakes up to carryout some test

Can we see her Aryan asked impatiently

Yes, but not more than one person, she doesnt need to be disturbed.

Aryan went in to see Imlie first, when he saw her in bandages, he felt tears build up in his eyes. This little woman has seen so much pain in her life, when will the goddess finally grant her peace in life. He wished he could take away all her problems.

He remembered the Doctors words she is a very strong girl

He sat beside her, took her hand into his palm and placed light kisses on the back of her palm.

You will be fine my love, I am here with you and our Cheeku is fine. He or she seems to be a fighter like you.

After the family members took turn to see Imlie, the ladies went home while Aryan and Meethi stayed back with Imlie till evening.

Meethi had gone back home in the evening while Aryan stayed back. In the middle of the night, Aryan was fast asleep on the couch when he heard Imlie calling out to Imlie, but what surprised him was that she was not calling him ABP she was calling him Aryan.

He woke up and rushed to her bedside.

aahh she winced in pained while trying to sit up

Sorry take it easy let me help you

But Imlie slapped his hand

Leave me alone, are you here to take care of me or to sleep?.

Aryan didnt feel the pain of the slap he was carried away by the woman sitting in front of him, after 2 months Imlie was speaking normal again, Aryan was lost staring at his wife.

Ouch my head hurts Imlie exclaimed rubbing her temple, suddenly knocking Aryan out of his thoughts.

Sorry baby let me call the Doctor. Aryan said holding her with one hand while pressing the bell beside her bed with one hand.

Baby? Imlie questioned looking at Aryan

ABP, cheeku is still growing inside me and is yet to be born that doesnt mean you should turn me into a baby, I am an adult Aryan not some baby. Imlie said rolling her eyes to the sides.

Imlie I am so happy you are alright. You dont know how scared I was.

He took her in a hug while they were both still seating. Just then the doctor on night duty walked into the room.

While check up was going on Aryan stepped out of the room, he thought to call home to give them the good news of Imlies recovery but it was very late at night so he decided not to.

While waiting outside he was very happy and thanked Lady Sita for giving him back his Imlie in her full senses.

The doctor came out after a while to speak to Aryan.

Mr. Rathore she is fine and the baby is doing well too, in the morning she will be referred for an ultrasound to be very sure, she can be discharged in the afternoon if there are not complications and internal bleedings.

ARYAN AND IMLIE Shorts Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora