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Aryan Singh Rathore doesn’t believe in confronting an enemy without facts and proper preparation. If Jyoti is an enemy in disguise of a friend, then Aryan will take her by surprise.

At the Rathore mansion, Sundar had gone out for work, Narmada left to the Temple with Arpita and only Jyoti, Shalu, Neela, Preeta and Imlie were left in the house.
Jyoti was waiting for an opportunity to execute her mission of poisoning Imlie but Imlie was still sleeping and yet to have breakfast.
After two hours, Narmada and Arpita came back from the Temple. On entering the mansion, Narmada inquiries about Imlie.

“jiji where is Imlie?” Narmada asks Neela who was present in the sitting room.

“Aah chhukti I don’t keep tracks of my servant’s daughter, why should I know where kacchi Ambiya is ask other servants in the house?”

“jiji Imlie is not a servant, try to understand her she is actually a nice person”.

“Mohan where is Imlie?”.

“Imlie ma is still sleeping” Mohan replied

“Please go and wake her up, she needs to eat and take her drugs”.
Mohan went to Aryan’s room, saw Shalu and informed her that Narmada asked to wake Imlie up.
Shalu did as she was told and woke Imlie up.
After taking sometime to stretch herself and out of her slumber she went downstairs, said her greetings and had her breakfast with her drugs supervised by Shalu.

In the afternoon Shalu ordered mango and pear smoothie for Imlie which Mohan was asked to make. Arpita, Narmada and Preeta were in their rooms. Imlie was sitting at the dining table with Neela who was busy with snacks.

Mohan finished preparing the smoothie and was about to go serve it when the intercom in the kitchen rang, going to pick up the call he dropped the tray on the counter and went towards the intercom, in a twinkle of an eye Jyoti snuck into the kitchen and sprayed some substance into the smoothie and hurried to sneak out when she saw Neela heading towards the kitchen, she quickly hid behind the giant refrigerator. Neela coming into the kitchen saw the glass of smoothie on the counter and raised it up turning it around while examining the content and put it back down and asked Mohan who was heading back to the counter after picking the intercom and yet no one said anything on the Phone.

“Who is that for?” Neela asked

“It’s for Imlie Ma’am”

“hmmm that’s all she does this day”.
Mohan excused himself and headed out to the dinning. Neela after getting what she needed from the kitchen went back to dinning glaring at Imlie.
Shalu was on a call which took her a while, the person on the other end asked for something and Shalu went to upstairs to get some files from her room.
Jyoti sneaked out of the kitchen and quickly headed upstairs without being noticed, she stood on the railing pretending to be busy on her phone while observing Imlie.

Imlie took a sip of the smoothie, felt Nausea due to her hormones and threw up just beside Neela. Without thinking twice Aunt blue stood up and slapped Imlie through the face. Who started shedding tears and mistakenly spilled the smoothie and the dining table.
“you daughter of a made what gives you the right to soil my saree with your dirt, your maid of a mother can’t afford my expensive outfit even if she sells everything she has. Imlie was in tears. Neela called one of the servants and asked them to get a parker and rag.
Dolly brought the cleaning equipment and was about to start cleaning the mess when Neela ordered her to hand it over to Imlie.
Dolly tried to protest but no one dares to go against Neela, so she did as she was told. Imlie took the parker and rag bent down in tears and was cleaning the mess when she unintentionally touched Neela’s feet with the rag who took of her slippers, raising her hand in the air, “BADI MAA !!!” came a voice from the entrance of the Rathore mansion, turning towards the door, stood Aryan who just came home to pick Imlie for her antenatal appointment.
“How dare you?” Aryan roared this time louder than before. Everyone was out of their rooms after hearing Aryans voice the first time.
In quick move Aryan headed towards the dinning raising Imlie up into a hug. Saying Aryan was furious was an understatement, filled with rage an anger, Imlie’s red cheeks didn’t  go unnoticed, he made her sit on the chair.
Narmada and Arpita went towards Imlie who was crying. Her face red was completely red.
Preeta was standing beside her aunt still oblivious to what was happening.
Aryan turned towards Neela and Preeta, trying so hard to control his rage he said “Go to your rooms pick your belongings and live this house immediately and don’t ever come back even if I ask you to because it might be a death trap”.

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