part II - you'd never believe what happened

Start from the beginning

As they got inside the store, the three girls started to look for an outfit they all wanted. And after a few minutes, they all already bought the outfit that they liked. Except for Kyujin.

She had two outfits that she was stuck on, the youngest latter looked at the two girls with a soft smile as she showed them her outfits and asked them which one she should buy.

Yoona suggested she should try them on and show it to them like a fashion show in which Kyujin agreed.

" First one~! " Kyujin pushed the changing room door open showing her with a new outfit, " Whatcha think? "

" Ten out of ten! " Sullyoon said.

" A hundred out of ten! I gave a better score than Yoona, therefore I'm the winner. " Haewon grinned at Yoona. She's always competitive. Even though it's not a competition, Haewon will make it one.

" You're always trying to make everything a competition. " Yoona scoffed as she glared at her.

Kyujin was satisfied with the ratings and went back in the changing room for another outfit. She came back with a new shining outfit on her as she posed in front of the two girls.

" Second one! " Kyujin said, " Choose! Which one is better? "

" I think the first one... "

" I agree with Hae. "

" You know what? " Kyujin stood there and thought for a moment, " I kinda don't wanna buy clothes anymore right now, I think I'll just buy it another day. "

" So you just made us choose over your two outfits just for you give up on buying them?! " Haewon crossed her arms, " This is unbelievable. "

" Incorrect, " Yoona said, " It's believable because it's Kyujin. "


They walked around the mall aimlessly, trying to find something to do, until Kyujin suddenly stopped walking.

" Why did you stop walking? C'mon! " Yoona said.

" Ah shit... Have you guys seen my phone? " Kyujin asked nervously.

" No... Why? " Yoona questioned, " Did you lose it? "

Kyujin looked at the floor and tried to avoid eye contact with them, " Don't complain, can we just split up and try to find my phone? "

" Alright. " Haewon said, " Yoona you go back to the clothing store, Kyujin you back go to the restaurant, and I'll go to the lost and found, okay? "

" Okay. " The two said.

All three of them split up and began walking and trying to find Kyujin's phone.

Yoona was told to go to back to the clothing store which was back up at the third floor. She walked to the elevator as she pressed the elevator button before crossing her arms and waiting for the elevator.

But what she didn't know, is that Subway girl, the one that she saw at the subway every single school morning, was behind her. The latter stood behind Yoona, also waiting for the elevator. But when she saw her, her body tensed up. She was hoping that Sullyoon wouldn't notice her.

Unfortunately for her, Yoona turned her head to see Subway girl leaning on the wall on the opposite side of her as if she was trying to avoid Yoona. They both looked at each other for a whole minute awkwardly before Subway girl decides to break the silence.

" Hi, it's nice to see you again. " Yoona greeted.

Her mouth opened again but it quickly closed again. Yoona couldn't get the courage to start a conversation, it's so awkward. Instead of a response, Yoona was received with a simple wave and a forced smile as she held a bouquet of roses she bought.

This wasn't how Yoona planned the conversation to go.

She thought maybe Subway Girl could add on to what she said, but I guess she's also as shy as Yoona is. Even maybe shyer than Yoona. They stared at each other for another whole minute out of awkwardness before the elevator door saved them.


Yoona walked in the elevator as Subway girl followed behind her. She tried to press the close button, but coincidentally, Subway girl pressed it too.

The two touched each other's hand as both of them flinched back at the same time. It was just silence through out the elevator ride as none of them wanted to talk, they were too flustered and could find any courage to talk to each other.


The elevator started to shake as both Sullyoon and Subway girl grabbed the elevator's rails to balance themselves and prevent them from falling.

The elevator didn't stop shaking for a while until it finally stopped with an abrupt crash.  Both of them were sitting on the ground as they breathed heavily, trying to process what just happened.

" I think the elevator crashed? "

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