Chapter 5: Fight or Flight

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"Are you going back? With him?"

Another voice sounded behind Scarlet. Sally, with worry evident in her features, walked next to the dark haired woman. Eri froze for a moment, but didn't look her way, silence enveloping the alley. Since she wasn't given a response, her eyebrows knitted together, a frown making it's way onto her face.

"Doesn't he hurt you?"

She asked again, the hold on her teddy tightening. Though this reaction was not from sadness or worry.

Sally was getting angry.

"'ll get hurt if I don't" Eri spoke just barely above whisper, eyes shut.

"But you'll get hurt too!"

Sally countered, her hands in small fists. The adult next to her noticed small rocks around the girls feet begin to float a few inches above ground. She sighed, her hand rising and patting the girls head. Sally looked up at her, only to see the woman smiling, before she turned back to the man, who was looking back at them and the girl who was halfway to him, standing frozen in place.

With quick motion, Scarlet appeared behind Eri, hand on her shoulder. The girls eyes shot upwards to meet green ones, before they broke contact, the woman looking towards the male.

"We might have a small problem"

The man stayed silent, not even turning around fully.

"You see, my sister and I have a... small ick towards men like you. So, after a careful consideration..." she stepped in front of the shaken up girl while Sally ran up to her, taking hold of her hand in reassurance.

"I've decided that you shouldn't be anywhere near her" she smiled, though that smile was anything but cheerful. Well-hidden anger was all that was behind it.

Eri began to panic as she noticed the man turn and glare at the woman, while she stood her ground.

She wasn't scared, the girl could tell; but she knew how he could be. He's strong - too strong for a pro hero to take on and yet this woman decided to stand up to him as if he was a nobody.

She didn't seem like a pro hero to her. Something about her was giving her the opposite feeling, actually. But she wasn't scared of this woman, nor the girl her age.

The way the woman stood up for her, hiding her behind her tall frame while the girl, Sally, held her hand, smiling as if they have known eachother for years and as if this was nothing made her trembling somewhat ease.

But this wasn't nothing and that man was dangerous beyond belief.

''So you'll take away someone you just met? What do you know about her?....Eri''

The girls hold on Sallys hand tightened, while the girl in pink glared his way.

"Tell them how dangerous you are"

Both Sally and Scarlet noticed that the girl began to sob. What the adult didn't notice was that the kids hand subconsciously reached towards the small horn on her forehead.

"You'll just hurt th-"

''Shut it, you manipulative fuck. By what I'm seeing, we're doing this kid a favour. You should just turn around and forget you ever even knew her'' she waved him off.

The mans patience was running thin.

Who was this?

His mind immediately went to her being a pro hero, but if that was the case, she'd try to apprehend him by now, no? Maybe she knows who he is and that's why she's not doing it? No, this nuisance doesn't seem like she knows a thing.

The Reluctant Heroes  | ʙɴʜᴀ ⓧ ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏᴘᴀsᴛᴀ ᴄʀᴏssᴏᴠᴇʀ |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant