☆ 63. Chapter 63 Neptune's Academic God & School Bastard (11)

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Chapter 63 Neptune’s Academic God & School Bully (11)

Physics is very difficult this time. Except for Lin Yu who got a perfect score in the class, the highest score in the class was Zhang Ge’s 90 points.

Physics test papers have been handed out. During the break, a girl came to Zhang Ge with her test paper to ask questions. The reason why she went to Zhang Ge instead of Ning Chen, who was sitting behind him, was because the classmates in the class had a negative opinion of Ning Chen. The God of Learning had a sense of distance and did not dare to approach at will, so he could only retreat and find the second best Zhang Ge.

"Zhang Ge, did you get this multiple-choice question in physics right?"

Zhang Ge couldn't help but laugh when he saw the multiple-choice question: "Hey, no. You can get such a simple question wrong? The answer is obviously B. How could you choose C?"

The girl was laughed at by Zhang Ge and smiled awkwardly: "I might have chosen C without thinking clearly during the exam. Can you tell me? Tell me how to do this question?"

Zhang Ge enjoyed the admiration in the girl's eyes, proudly took out his high-scoring test paper, and talked to the girl in a clear and logical manner.

After listening to Zhang Ge's explanation, the girl nodded: "I seem to understand. However, why can we choose B without using the condition in the question? Didn't the teacher say that every word in the question is correct? Is that what the person asking

the question meant?" The girl asked Zhang Ge, and he said with an irritated expression: "Why do you think so much? This may be the teacher's cover-up, just to deceive you people." See

. Zhang Ge was a little angry, so the girl didn't dare to continue to express her doubts, and nodded hurriedly: "I understand, thank you for taking the time to help me answer the questions." Seeing the girl pick up her test paper and go back to her seat,

Ning Chen said calmly: "What Zhang Ge did was wrong. He just got the answer crookedly." Although

Ning Chen's voice was not loud, Zhang Ge and the girls could hear it clearly.

Zhang Ge was so angry that he immediately turned around and asked: "Ning Chen, why do you say that what I did is wrong! The answer I solved using this method is the correct answer, how could it be wrong!"

Ning Chen ignored Zhang Ge, but looked up at the girl who was holding the test paper: "If you are not busy now, I can tell you how to do this question. The person who asked this question is what you said There is a trap cleverly set up in that condition. If you don't think carefully when doing the question, you will indeed come up with the wrong answer of C just like you."

Hearing Ning Chen willing to point out her, the girl naturally nodded excitedly, this opportunity What a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

While Ning Chen was giving a lecture, some boys gathered in the back row of the classroom, chatting and playing around.

A boy said to Lin Yu with a sad face: "Brother Yu, why did you suddenly improve so much in this exam? Do you have any tips you can teach me? I will probably be scolded by my mother again when I go home tonight. "

Lin Yu stretched his long legs and leaned lazily on the chair: "You can't learn Brother's tricks."

A boy guessed with a playful smile: "Brother Yu, you must be close to Xue Shen. , the god of learning will secretly turn on a small stove for you."

Lin Yu raised his eyes and glanced at him, how could this kid be so good at guessing: "It's almost the same as you said."

A boy was scrolling through the circle of friends on his phone when he saw Yuan Minmin After posting on WeChat Moments, he joked: "Brother Yu, why do you sound so like Yuan Minmin when you speak?" Lin

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