☆ 50. Chapter 50 (14)

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. Then I heard his ridicule.

He signaled one of the guards following him to help the man up, and then led the other guards towards the Golden Warrior.

Laughter arrives before anyone arrives.

The owner of Defan Restaurant approached the Golden Warrior with a smile, and said with a smile: "Sir, the girls who sing and perform in our restaurant are all from good families, and your behavior seems to have gone too far.

The Dajin warrior looked contemptuous: "So what if it's over. Don't you Daqi always pay attention to hospitality? Now that my distinguished guest has fallen in love with her, that's her blessing!" The boss smiled

. , but didn't say anything, just took a step back and motioned to the two guards following him to step forward to deal with the matter.

Seeing the two men approaching, the Golden Warrior didn't feel angry at all. They were just two more losers.

Just when the two sides were about to fight, a man hurriedly walked into the inn. As soon as he entered the inn, he saw the golden warrior and walked straight over.

When the Golden Warrior saw him, he frowned and cursed in a low voice: "What a disappointment!"

After the visitor came to the side of the big gold warrior and whispered a few words, the big gold warrior shook off his tightly clenched slender hands with a stinky face, and strode out of the inn with the visitor.

Ning Chen saw the whole process upstairs, frowned, and asked someone to check the identity of the two people in the Daikin Mission. He always felt that these two people were not simple, especially the golden warrior.

After hearing the report, the person who came in later turned out to be the official leading the mission, and the big gold warrior was just an ordinary samurai. Ning Chen felt more and more suspicious about the identity of the big gold warrior.

Ning Chen copied the appearance of the golden warrior and asked people to investigate it secretly.


Mountain rain is about to come, and the wind is everywhere. The capital is calm on the surface, but in fact, waves are beginning to surge underneath.

After Qin Yu imprisoned the doctor Jia who offered the stone medicine, he ordered the secret guards who were good at disguise to dress up as the doctor Jia. Before, Qin Yu and others had been guarding for a long time, but there was no movement from the people behind the scenes.

But that day, the disguised secret guard suddenly received new instructions from the person behind the scenes to Dr. Jia.

After the secret guard presented the new medicine list, both Ning Chen and Qin Yu realized that the people behind the scenes, such as Prince Wei, seemed to be planning to make the final plan.

The people behind the scenes greatly added the ingredient of stone to the new prescription, and the stone contains arsenic. Arsenic is a highly toxic substance and is a raw material for making drugs. The person behind the scenes seemed to want to greatly speed up Qin Yu's death, or even cause Qin Yu to die suddenly overnight.

Qin Yu decided to follow the drama they arranged for him, follow the clues, and catch all these people!

That night, news suddenly spread from the palace that Qin Yu was seriously ill. The imperial doctors stayed in Changhua Palace all night, seemingly helpless about Qin Yu's illness. The morning court the next day was also canceled because Qin Yu was seriously ill and could not be held normally.

When Prince Wei, Shen Rou and others heard the news that Qin Yu was seriously ill from the spies in the palace, they couldn't help but close the door and celebrate. Although Shen Rou had disgraced Prince Wei's boss before, Prince Wei's attitude towards Shen Rou has improved a lot now that Shen Rou has dedicated the Shen family to serve as a hiding place for the Golden Warriors. The two of them set up a table of good wine and food in the house and happily celebrated in advance.

They were waiting for the news of Qin Yu's sudden death, but they did not expect that two days later, they would receive the news that Qin Yu had recovered.

Prince Wei, the Crown Princess and others were shocked by the news.

Especially when the Crown Princess heard the news, she bluntly said it was impossible. After she got the medicine, she secretly experimented with it. The dose Qin Yu took was enough to cause death, and there was no chance of survival.

After Qin Yu recovered, he resumed his morning dynasty.

Before the morning session, Qin Yu said that he had just recovered and looked ugly, so he covered himself with a curtain. Prince Wei looked at the tightly covered curtains above the hall with doubt in his eyes. Why did he feel that the person behind the curtain was not Qin Yu, but someone else.

The next day, Prince Wei signaled a young eunuch to hide in a long corridor that Qin Yu had to pass on his way from the morning palace back to Changhua Palace. The young eunuch was hiding in a corner. After catching a glimpse of the face of the man in dragon robe coming out of the main hall, he immediately retreated secretly and went back to report the news to Prince Wei and others.

He didn't realize that his traces had been discovered long ago, and he thought he had discovered some shocking information, so he hurried back to claim credit and receive the reward.

When Prince Wei and others heard that it was not Qin Yu behind the curtain, they became more convinced that Qin Yu's life was running out and he might have died suddenly.

Even the Crown Princess, who had always kept her emotions secret, couldn't help but smile and became proud when she heard this.

Since the person behind the curtain is not Qin Yu, they can even use the name of King Qin to rescue him without having to bear the infamy of rebellion and be infamy for thousands of years.

The author has something to say: The next world will probably be Bai Yueguang, the god of learning from Neptune & the tyrant school bully

Bai Yueguang is always taken away by force [Quick Travel] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat