Chapter 2 - Welcome to Axel

Start from the beginning

Kazuma: "That sounds reasonable."

Aqua seemed a bit taken aback from how the two were conversing, even though the two should be mad at each other, they exchanged in a calm manner.

Aqua: "Wow, I didn't realize how a housebound gamer nerd like you and him were capable of having great ideas."

Kieran: "That is a bit hurtful Goddess."

Kieran simply rolled his eyes as he began to walk first as Kazuma turned around to walk as well.

Kazuma: "Whatever Goddess you coming?"

Aqua: "Right behind you."

Aqua seemed to be slightly cheerful again as she followed the two. Though while walking around, Kieran could definitely tell that this place was slightly kind of medieval with the high touch of fantasy manga and anime he used to read and watch back in his world. He kind of liked the environment, it was peaceful for the most part.

Aqua: "By the way, I don't mind you both calling me Goddess, but I'm worried it would cause a commotion her. So how about you both call me Aqua instead?"

Kieran: "Fair enough. It is a bit doubtful that anyone would be meeting a Goddess out of the blue."

Aqua: "Yeah, it's exactly how I thought about it."

Kazuma: "Hey wait. Since you are a Goddess and all, you should know where something like an Adventurer's Guild is at."

Aqua: "Nah sorry I don't. I deal with tons of worlds, I can't know every little detail about them."

Kieran: "I mean to be honest, if I was in your shoes, I would understand. Too much things to know about as each bit of information does sometimes cause your brain to be filled with too much to remember. However, it would be better if you at least knew bits of information about each place at least don't you think Aqua?"

Aqua: "Why did I have to if I could just send others there? Sorry but I don't see your point."

At this point, both Kazuma and Kieran were simply confused on how a Goddess could be this useless. After a bit of time, they did manage to find the Adventurer's Guild, but Kieran decided to stop the two before heading on inside, dragging them to the side far away from other citizens.

Kazuma: "What is it now?"

Kieran: "Look, before we go in, I feel like I don't really want to expose my real self to the Guild. I want to use the other identity that I was given as my Adventurer self."

Aqua: "Is this the Transformation thing you asked for when you mentioned you live a double life back in Japan?"

Kieran: "Yes. Since you gave it to me, since my request was valid, how do I transform?"

Aqua was thinking for a moment, looking around as she was thinking. 

Aqua: "Well, perhaps you could try to think hard on it?"

Kieran blinked a few times as he wasn't sure if she was pulling his leg or not.

Kieran: "Are you pulling my leg right now?"

Aqua: "No I'm not! You just have to think about it. At least that is how I would do it..."

Kieran then sighs as he took a few steps back, closing his eyes as he was thinking hard to try and transform. After about a few seconds, his body was beginning to emit a bright white and red glow as it blinded both Aqua and Kazuma. Soon as the light died down, an entirely different individual stood in front of both of them.

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