Chapter 2 - Welcome to Axel

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When the light died down, Kieran, Kazuma and Aqua stood in a town that would be known as Axel, the Town of Beginning Adventurers. Kieran looked around, finding this place to be rather interesting as he wasn't expecting himself to actually be in an anime-like world. Yet for Kazuma, he seemed rather excited and ecstatic.

Kazuma: "No way! I'm really in another world! I can't believe it. So like, does that mean I get to learn Magic and like, go on real quests and stuff!? I get to be a hero!?"

Kieran: "Yeah seems like it. Honestly though, I don't feel any different."

Kieran said this, though he looked over at Kazuma who seemed to have blatantly ignored him, making him narrow his eyes as he thinks Kazuma might be a little too excited.

Kazuma: "Goodbye to my miserable hermits' life, and hello to my new one! This fantasy world is gonna break me out of my shell!"

Kieran: "You know, you're being way too excited over this right?"

Kazuma: "What do you mean? We get to do things that we've never done in our old worlds. Doesn't that excite you?"

Kieran: "At the current moment, no. Yet you chose to drag the Goddess here against her will you moron."

Kazuma: "Oh come on, at least she can be useful right?"

They both then heard Aqua starting to break down as she was clutching her head, trying to process everything that is going on.

Kazuma: "What are you doing? Would you stop already? People are starting to stare and you're ruining my moment."

Kieran: "I think you have yourself to be blamed Kazuma."

Kazuma: "What does that mean!?"

Kieran simply rolled his eyes as he didn't really like him at this moment for the exact reason that Kazuma is literally a prick for bringing someone along when they didn't want to come along for the ride. Kazuma then turned his gaze to Aqua again.

Kazuma: "So anyway, now that we're here, aren't you supposed to give me something? I mean look at me, I'm still in a tracksuit. I can't do what I gotta do in a fantasy world wearing clothes like these. Don't I get some basic gear to start with?"

Yet when Kazuma finished his words, Aqua immediately grabbed Kazuma as she began to shake him around. She was clearly in a hysterical moment as she was distressed. Kieran honestly felt like this is what Kazuma really deserved in this moment. Kieran sighed as he simply began to back off a bit, getting his distance so he doesn't end up in the crossfire between these two.

Kazuma: "Okay, quit spazzing out I get it you're mad you're here I'm sorry! God you hate it so much then just go back to where you came from I can manage on my own."

Aqua: "Haven't you been paying, I can't go back that's the problem. I'm stuck here with a creep. What do I do, I'm stuck here and I don't know what to do!"

She was tearing up in hysteria as Kieran honestly could understand what she was feeling in the moment, but he didn't bother to say anything except to look at Kazuma, checking if he intends to fix this problem of his or not.

Kazuma: "Calm down Goddess, calm down. All we have to do is find a Guild. In most RPGs, that's usually the place where you gotta go if a player's looking for some information."

Kieran: "Wow, for once I actually agree with you."

Kazuma: "Do you seriously have to be so cold?"

Kieran: "From the way you acted, yes. However you will have to make up for what you did to the Goddess here. So I'll go along so I at least know where I am and where I need to go to do things."

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