Incorrect Ocean's 8 quotes ~ 40

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Lou: Deborah Ocean you can go to H-E-double hockey sticks!

Debbie: Double hockey sticks? Can't you just curse like you usually do?

Lou: I could but Tammy's kids are here.


Tammy: You know what strength is? It is forgiving someone who wasn't even sorry

Lou: No offence and I respect your opinion but I'll rather die


Constance: *drunk* Guys, did you know, snakes have this thing called a hemipenis. It means they have two dicks

Debbie: *drunk* Lou has two dicks too. One in her night-stand drawer and one in her personality


Constance: What accent does Lou thinks in? Is it her pure Australian accent or the adulterated accent?

Tammy: Whenever she is reading, it is pure Australian accent. So, she might think in Aussie accent too

Daphne: She lived here so long. I assume she thinks in American-mixed-Australian. What say, Debbie? You know her the most. What accent does Lou thinks in?

Debbie: Bold of you guys to assume she thinks


Rose: Okay, if you took a shot every time you made a bad decision in your life, how drunk would you be?

Amita: Tipsy I guess

Tammy: I would be drunk

Lou: 100% Wasted

Debbie: Dead


Lou: What was your first impression with Mr. and Mrs. Ocean?

Tess: Oh, it was wonderful. Mr. Ocean was so kind and supportive while Mrs. Ocean absolutely loved me! They said I am the daughter they never had!


Lou: They said Tess was the daughter they never had. Focus, Debs


Extremely incorrect Loubbie/Ocean's 8Where stories live. Discover now