Crys hung up the phone. She nudged the half-awake curled up ball that was Brandon. "Come on," she said, sounding antsy, "we need to get going!"

Brandon mumbled incoherently. Whatever he said sounded tired.

"Come on!" Crys nudged Brandon again.
"Alright I'm up!" He grumbled, clearly still quite tired from his poor sleep the night prior. He sat up in bed, looking exhausted.

Crys got up off the bed and went over to where Brandon had draped his jacket last night. She grabbed it, balled it up and tossed it at her friend.

Brandon looked unamused. He got up and shooed Crys out of his room for a moment so he could change out of his pajamas. Once he was ready to go, he joined up with Crys downstairs.

Both friends then headed out the front door and started making their way over to Tomas' house.

When they had arrived at Tomas' house, Crys knocked on the front door. Just a brief moment later, it opened.

"Well, hello." Tomas' dad said respectfully. "Tomas had said you wanted to speak with me, although I couldn't imagine why. Please, come in."

Crys and Brandon entered the house. Tomas' dad led them over to the kitchen where he stood by the counter, leaning back on it a bit.

Crys nervously stood a bit back with Brandon by her side to support her.

"So, what is it that you wanted to speak with me about?" Tomas' dad asked, curious.

"W-well..." Crys murmured. "I- we need your help." She said, scared.

"With what?" Tomas' dad asked, going from mildly curious to gently serious.

"I-I uh... um..." Crys stuttered.

Brandon took one of Crys' hands that was dangling by her side and grabbed it, letting her know he was there.

Tomas' dad stood up straight, being much less casual. He gave Crys a gentle look. "Whatever it is, you can tell me. I promise." He said in a very fatherly way.

"I-I'm The Werewolf." Crys blurted out.

"Yes, I know." Tomas' dad replied, unphased by the information.

Crys gave a confused look.

"I've known for a long time, but I doubt that is the reason you're here." Tomas' dad continued, seeing Crys' look.

"I-well..." Crys shook her head to try and get back on track. "There-there's this man. He's been showing up in the middle of the night in my room, threatening me and everyone else. H-he did these tests on me and keeps saying I'm a threat..." She trailed off for a few moments. "Please, I-I don't know what to do. I thought you might be able to help since you've helped us before..."

Tomas' dad slowly leaned back against the counter and took a deep breath. "Crys," he said, gently but firmly, "did he say who he was?"

Crys was a little confused, but answered anyway. "Y-yeah. He said his name was Seinhou."

Tomas' dad clenched his jaw a little. For a few seconds he did absolutely nothing, just standing still in silence. "Seinhou..." He muttered under his breath.

Crys took a small step back, getting scared.

"And you're certain of that?" Tomas' dad asked.

Crys gave a little nod, still a little suspicious. "He mentioned he was part of some organization." She added on as bait.

"He is." Tomas' dad replied. "That organization is called The Directive."

Crys took a few more steps back, starting to tremble as the realization sunk in. Brandon helped to steady her and keep her standing.

Imperfect Life: Arc 7Where stories live. Discover now