chapter 47

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We only had a day to prep for the baby shower since its tomorrow and I was exhausted. Colby did a lot of the decorating. I helped as much as I could because when it comes to decorating , I like things done a certain way. half the time i was yelling at Colby from wherever i was sitting. " Colby no that's so off center!" I giggled as he's hanging up the streamers. " no there not they look fine." he said pinning it up. " oh ok come stand where I'm standing dork"  I laughed . it looks so bad. " ok fine I will." he said coming and standing right where i was. 

He looked up and immediately rolled his eyes. " say it." I poke his side. " no " he mumbled. " say it." I crossed my arms. " nope don't wanna" he pouted . " say it or no more sex." I smirk. with how we are, i knew i wasn't being serious but for a moment, he thought i was. his eyes went wide, he grabbed my shoulders and made me face him.  " ok ok fine you were right OK. " he said giving me a light kiss. " but that wasn't fair you know i cant even go a day without you wrapped around my..." I stop him." Colby nah aint no way you starting this right now we got a lot of work to do. later, have the same energy." I say biting his lip and walking away. 

 " hey that wasn't very nice" he said covering his now bulge pouting like a literal child. I thought it was so cute. " wasn't my fault , now lets finish you big baby" I say throwing him some more decorations. Colby got back on the chair and fixed the streamers , with my help of course. " ok balloon time. " I rolled my eyes. I fucking hate balloons. ever since I was a little kid i despised balloons. 

I accidently bit one and it popped in my face, I was traumatized. so even now, I HATE balloons. being the bad ass i am , I'm scared of balloons , how funny is that.  " Colby please..." I sigh " ill try and be as carful as i can be darling. " he said kissing the side of my head. we sat down and took all of the balloons out of the bags and started blowing them up. i had the hand pump and i told Colby he could use the balloon machine since it blows them up way to fast for my liking.

We were about done and I popped one and he popped 2. so only a couple of heart attacks. we put all the balloons in bags and put them in the closet. " those are done thank god. hopefully they don't all pop. " I said shutting the door. " I think they will be fine. " he smiled and took my hand. I looked at the time and it was 6pm. " ok I'm gonna cook us something to ..... you know what can we order? I don't feel like cooking since i got to do the food prep. tell me again why we couldn't order anyone to do this?" he chuckled ." because your stubborn baby. " ok he had a point.

" ok your not wrong. I love you" I said kissing his cheek. " I love you. Now what do you want to order? " he said pulling out his phone and scanning through door dash. I sat on his lap.  " butter chicken and garlic naan please,  baby wants it." i said rubbing my belly . "I am sooo down for that. do we want left overs?" he asked. " yes"i said quick. that's never a question. its always better the next day. 

Colby ordered 2 BC and 8 naan. oh he knows the way to my heart is food. he placed the order and it said it would be about 45 minutes. " wanna watch something on Netflix or do we wanna talk about tomorrow?" i smiled. " can we do both. i love background noise but i would like to talk about some things. " he said rubbing my arm. " of course. " i put on a funny movie that i saw and turned and faced him. " are you excited to find out the gender?" i bit my lip. " I'm nervous and excited. i hope it turns out amazing. um darling,  there's been something on my mind lately and I need to talk to you about. its driving me insane and I'm starting to get nightmares about it.  " he sighed and put his head down.

 " Colby are you ok? are you having second thoughts? do you still want this baby? are you not interested in me anymore now that I'm fat? " I literally blurted out, i didn't even realize what i just said. he giggled. " no no no no no no and no. and if you call yourself fat again were gonna have a problem. " he said smacking my ass. I giggled. " sorry Colby." I kissed his cheek. " um... do you think were gonna be ready? are you gonna stop going on jobs? what happens when this baby is born? I know I'm gonna wanna try and slid out of the crime world but i don't know if your ready too. " Colby , I've been wanted to do that ever since i found out i was pregnant. 

" Colby i.... you know i love the thrill. this job gives me so much passion that i don't know how easy its gonna be to slip out. This baby's safety is all i can think about and i will do everything in my power to keep this baby safe, that's why I hope my plan works. " I smirked. he looked at me and smiled. " you've been.... you've been thinking about leaving ?" he smiled. " yes and this is how were gonna do it.


our food got here and it was amazing. was so good i had seconds . when we were done eating we both cleaned up and i sat down for about 15 minutes before i got up to start prepping snacks. Colby joined me after he edited a bit.  by the time we where done it was 12am. we were absolutely beat. 

We showered together and enjoyed each others company. yea that took a little longer then expected. 1am and we got out of the shower. we dried off, got on our pjs and went to sleep in each others arms. tomorrow is gonna be a big day. i cant wait. 

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