Chapter 3: Chopped

Start from the beginning

"Too much?" I asked.

Shaking his head, he said, "nah, you're good."

I hadn't realized what he held in his hands until he placed the board, along with a few printed images I hadn't glued on yet, back onto the coffee table.

"What are you doing?" I quickly scanned the room to see if anything else had been disturbed.

I made vision boards for literally anything: classroom setups, outfit inspos, and even books. The one I was in the process of creating was of my dream home.

I'd hoped to one day buy a cozy little cottage home with a wrap around porch. I'd have sliding glass doors that led into the backyard, and that was where the magic would happen. I'd have plants everywhere, hanging from plantars, sitting on floating shelves. Maybe I'd even start my own tree.

I'd have a second hand round wicker chair, that looked like it belonged next to some outrageously large pool, and after a few YouTube videos, I'd figure out how to turn it into a swing.

"It's just an idea," I started, defensively, then immediately stopped myself. The amount of dollars I had to Zelle Kay every time I got defensive was criminal enough. To not have learned that lesson would be even worse.

"Not everything requires an explanation, Ash." I could hear her now. She was right. She was right, but habits are hard to break.

"It looked cool." Cameron shrugged before turning to Jackson. "You ready, bud?" He held a hand out for him.

Jackson looked to me with inquiring eyes. I nodded, and he took that as his sign to make his way over to me and latch on to my belt loop.

Cameron slipped his hand into his pocket and flashed me a smile when he noticed me watching.

"Ready?" he asked.

I didn't know him well enough to read more into his actions, so I just nodded and allowed him to lead the way out.


The entrance of the gated community was made up of two white bricked walls dressed in greenery and lined with wisteria trees. Thin blades of sunlight pierced through the tiny openings between the purple flowers, and seemed to dance as we drove through the gate and under the tunnel of trees. It was so perfectly arched, I knew it wasn't natural, but damn was it beautiful.

We drove down a winding path that eventually branched off into different directions. I didn't need to be told wealthy people lived there. Wealth was whispered by the wind itself as it blew, unobstructed, through the expanse of land that separated each home. God, space truly was a luxury.

I'd forgotten that homes actually had backyards. My neighborhood looked like the little square on a Monopoly board that you tried to cram all your little houses on.

Cameron drove into the driveway while I parked a little to the side, not wanting to impose. I let Jackson out and he immediately latched on to my belt loop again as we walked up the driveway.

"When'd you...?" I trailed off, running my eyes over the grocery bags that were neatly placed in front of the door.

"I ordered a few things on our way to your place. I don't usually shop and drive," he tacked on when I furrowed my brows, "but it was already getting late, so I figured I'd get something for a quick dinner. We can go grocery shopping tomorrow."

He grabbed them all with his left hand in one swoop.

I stared up the home, admiring the beautiful limestone walls while Cameron put in the security code. His home was large. Clearly one story, but its size boasted spacious rooms. Maybe even a foyer and an entertainment room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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