21. Epilogue: Mine Forever. For Real.

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Lucy woke up and turned over to find the other side of the bed was empty, so she padded out of the room and down the stairs to find Tim in the kitchen.

He heard her before he saw her, "Morning, baby. I wanted to let you sleep in while I got a head start on breakfast."

She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist before dropping a kiss to his back. "Morning."

"Food's almost ready."

"I'll go wake up Amy and Rachel."

"The fact that Rachel sleeps through the night and needs to be woken up now is a miracle. I don't think I've been this well rested in years," Tim smiled and leaned back in his wife's embrace for a second.

"Don't get used to it, mister. Nights are the only times I can get you alone."

He turned around and smirked, "We're on vacation all week. I promise we'll make more time to be alone."

"Hmm maybe later we should sneak away to the cottage for a little while?"

"As much as I love the main house, I do love the cottage more," Tim smiled and kissed her gently.

"Hold that thought for later when I whisk you away. I'll be right back," Lucy promised and released her hold on her husband to go back upstairs.

She stopped into the biggest guest room that has two twin beds. Years ago, Dave added a crib to the corner where Rachel was sleeping. Lucy woke up her little girl and scooped her into her arms. "Morning, sweetheart," she cooed and kissed her daughter's head. "Let's wake up Amy." The still sleepy two year old dropped her head to her mother's shoulder and sucked on her thumb while Lucy stepped over to the occupied twin bed. "Amy, wake up, honey," she said softly.

Big brown eyes fluttered open. "Mommy," Amy said groggily.

"Morning, sweetie. It's time to wake up."

"Is it Saturday?" She asked.

"No, it's Monday."

"I wanna go back to sleep until Saturday."

Lucy chuckled. "Then you'll miss the whole week we're in Carmel. Come on, Amy."

The four year old girl sighed, "Fine!" She scooted out of bed and dragged her feet into the bathroom with her mom and sister to get ready for the day before going downstairs.

Tim saw his wife and daughters come into the kitchen, and the first thing he noticed was the long look on Amy's face. "What's the matter, honey?" He asked and bent down to make eye contact with her.

"It's not Saturday," Lucy answered for Amy.

"You're right, but it's the first day we're in Carmel for the summer which means..." he stood up and turned to grab the plate on the counter behind him to show it to his daughter, "Pancakes."

"PANCAKES!" Amy cried happily.

"Wash your hands, and then we can have pancakes," Lucy snickered.

"Looks like the Bradford speciality is being passed down to the next generation," Tim noted and helped put Rachel in her high chair. He watched his wife pour a generous amount of syrup on Amy's plate and muttered, "It's being ruined in the process, though."

"I'd say it's improved. Us Bradford women like our syrup," Lucy said.

"Syrup!" Amy piped up happily.

"Don't worry, I've put syrup on yours," Lucy assured her daughter.

"More please!" Amy requested.

"You don't need too much syrup. You're sweet enough already," Tim smiled, making his eldest daughter grin back.

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