Unbeknownst to Stan, Audrey saw the news regarding the very place that caused her boy to suffer. She soon learned that the Pizzeria burned down. No one knew what was the cause as the fire destroyed everything, except one crucial piece of evidence: The answers.

Long ago, children were missing one after another while in the Pizzeria by a figure wearing a yellow bunny suit. Many heartbroken parents never got any answers to what happened and why it happened. But after the destruction of the old place, the firefighters found a piece of document that contains evidence that one of the owners, William Afton, was responsible for the pain and misery. While he was yet to be found, children stopped disappearing instantly ever since the Pizzeria burned down. Police, even though they have no proper evedience, concluded that William died in the fire, ending the horror once and for all.

Ever since then, the company tried so hard to rebuild its reputation and business by creating rules that would do a complete check on future to be employees to make sure the same thing never happens again. It was slow, but they were able to regain the people's trust while creating a new Pizzeria before it closes for a new opening of the Mega Pizzaplex of Fazbear inc. With several Animatronics that were saved. One of them, Foxy, was not lucky. As a result, they had to make two new ones for a test run in order to pick who get to go and who gets to stay.

During one session, Audrey was instructed to help Stan conquer his fear by helping him go to the Pizzeria during his birthday while staying with him. Audrey now started to question if this was really a good idea since Stan was not listening.

While he was crying and trying to move away from reality, he hears and felt footsteps coming closer and closer. He looked to see that it was mechanical feet from an Animatronic. He started to panic and tried to move away. But fear froze him in place. His heart was pounding hard and fast. He soon got the courage to get out and ran out the table, only to bump into another one. The certain Animatronic turned around to see him.

"Oh. Sorry about that." The Animatronic said. By the looks of it, it seemed to be a wolf. Stan tried to scoot back. But he was to terrified to do so. The wolf, worried, knelled down to his level with a calming manner. "Are you ok?"

Stan didn't answer. He was just too scared. The wolf tried again. "Can I ask your name?"

After a few seconds, Stan started to relax a bit. The Wolf was very patient with him. So much so that he was starting to breath normally enough to answer. "S...Stan."

"Stan. Nice name. My name is Roxanne. Roxanne Wolf. But you can call me Roxy if you like." Roxy said. She looked at his tears and asked him. "What's the matter?"

"S...Scared...Scared of bots." Stan muttered.

"Why? I'm not gonna hurt you." Roxy said.

Just then, Audrey caught up and came to Stan's side and hugged him. When she looked at Roxy, she spoke to her. "I'm so sorry."

"It's ok ma'am. Are you his mother?"

"I am. My son, Stanton Keene, is six today."

Roxanne smiled. "Your six birthday? Wow. You are now officially awesome 6 times over."

A now calm Stan, started to open up more. "I...I am?"

"You betcha! Tell me, do you like carrot cakes?"


"I see. Well that's ok. Any cake is special during your birthday. While I do like carrot cake, if you want chocolate cake, then you can have it birthday bot." Roxanne then winked while smiling.

Stan then smiled and chuckled. Audrey was surprised. She thought Stan would whimper. But Roxy was able to get to him. She was glad to have bring Stan here. "Thank you. My son is still recovering."

"Take all the time you need. After all, we are family friendly."

"Roxy. Can I tell you something?" Stan asked.

Roxanne nodded. "What is it?"

"You are my favorite."

Roxanne smiled with a wagging tail. "And you are my favorite little star. Since it is your birthday, what do you say we do a little race track? I'll give you a head start."

Stan nodded. "You're on."

Back in the present...

Stan snapped out of it and looked at Roxy. "I...I remember!" He got up despite the pain and hugged her. "Roxy! I knew there was something! I just knew it!"

Roxanne smiled and hugged him back. "I am happy to see you again little star."

"I always wondered why you loved her so much." Flynn commented.

"I don't get it. Why didn't you remember him when we came in?" Max asked.

Roxanne pondered that. "I...I can barely remember. Ever since the new security guard came in, she inserted a disk into us and said that it was suppose to protect us from any form of data corruption. But when it was in, I blacked out. And now, here I am."

"Even Freddy?" Bonnie asked.

"Let's find out. Freddy. If I can take a look." Dell said. Freddy allowed him and Dell looked at his back and found one. But unlike the others, this one was not glowing. He pulled it out to see cracks and smudge on it. " Well, good news is that this chip is damaged. No wonder Freddy was unaffected."

"I am so fortunate. I can't bare the thought of hurting innocent people." Freddy said.

"Wait. Stan. If you met Roxanne before, why didn't you remember her?" Neo asked.

Stan blinked a few times. "Huh. That is a good question. I...I don't know. Surly I would. But for some reason, I didn't."

After one last click, Yennsee smiled. "There. Good as new."

Bonnie got a look at himself. He was all glimmering with new parts and such. His jump suit even looked like it was fixed greatly. Fresh sky blue fur with a headband, Bonnie liked it a lot. "Wow. Thanks. Well, how do I look?"

"Good as new!" Freddy gave him a thumbs up.

"I like it." Roxanne nodded.

The rest of the gang agreed. Bonnie gave both Freddy and Roxy a fist bump as a sign of their friendship. They were glad to be together. But there was one member missing.

"We need to get Chica back." Bonnie commented.

"We will." Krystal said.

"With all of us together, we can save her and find the rest of our friends." Neo said. He looked at Stan. "Hey bro. Can you walk?"

"Not really. It hurts just to get up." Stan admitted. He was in pain when he hugged Roxy, but he didn't let it stop him. But walking around with a broken ankle is out of the question.

"How about I carry you? It's the least I can do." Roxy offered.

"Sure." Stan smiled.

Roxy got Stan onto her back and made sure he got his arms around her so he won't fall. Stan smiled. He knew there was a reason he liked her so much. But with one question answered, another one takes its place: Why couldn't he remember? Did he suffer an incident that made him forget? He didn't know. But for whatever the reason may be, he was happy to be with her again. Now he needed to find Loona and the others, as well as saving Chica so he can get out of here.

A Night to rememberWhere stories live. Discover now