'rivals and 'troductions

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Chapter 3.

When we arrived to my house, I kind of got a little nervous. Every other time I came here, something bad happened. Even though I know she isn’t here, I have a feeling something bad will happen.

I walk into the house. After walking in, I realize the door wasn’t locked when we left. I cant image it could have been. I walk into the living room, up the stairs, and find my way to my room. I haven’t been in here for a couple days. With last night, me not exactly being home… yeah.

I only grab what I need. Clothes, a few of my favorite books. My ipod, ihome, and a few other things. A blanket my grandmother made for me when I was younger. It has my name stitched in the corner and nobody knows how many nights I have cried my eyes out into this blanket. I need it for me to make it.

Once I am done packing, I drag my few bags downstairs and throw them in the back of the car. I walk back in to find Mr. Andrews to be having a cup of coffee.

“Uhm, are you ready?” I ask him.

He looks up at me with a look like ‘are you kidding me.’

“I want to get out of here.” I tell him. “I am sick of this place.”

He gets up and slowly walks over to me. “Well I guess we can leave now.” He says right in my ear and walks away. I stand there stunned for a second, then follow him outside. I slide in the car and we are off.

It takes about 12 hours to get to Virginia. I fall asleep on the way there, and before I know it, we are there. We pull into a house that is huge and right off the beach. The house is a large white house, looking like it is more than one. But you can definitely tell it is a country house. For a few seconds, I am in awe.

But quickly, I am taken out of it when I see who is outside. I see a bunch of guys. Several of them. I sigh out loud, and think why me.

“Come on. We need to take your stuff in.” Mr. Andrews tells me. He seems irritated. I grab two of my bags, and he grabs the third. We walk up the long walkway, and stop on the porch. I don’t really want to go in, but I know I have no choice. I set one of my bags down on the large, white, wrap around porch. I reach my arm up, and ring the doorbell. 

A few seconds later, a beautiful, middle-aged woman opens the door. She cant be older than 30, and she looks like she has the perkiness of a teenager.

She smiles at me and says with a strong southern accent “Why hello. You must be Kahlin.  I am so excited to see you! Finally, someone like me!” She exclaims. This woman is kind of scaring me. She seems slightly psychotic.

“Yeah.” I say. “Well, I will take you to your room. Thank you, Mr. Andrews, but I can handle her from here.” She tells him, smiling.

“Ok, well, Kahlin. Good luck here.” He tells me. I smile at him, say thank you, and he turns to leave.

As we walk up the stairs, I learn her name is Katelin, she is single woman who is unable to have kids, so this is her profession. Luckily for her, as she claims, she has only been given guys except for one girl before me. But I guess she had to leave. Couldn’t handle it here or something. That is great news.

“Well, Kahlin, I do believe you will love it here. I swear. And I know the boys may be intimidating, but they are not as bad as they seem, I promise.” She tells me. I look at her and smile.

After that, she walks out to go start dinner. I begin to unpack. While I am unpacking my panties and bras, the first of the guys I meet walk in.

“Woo. Fresh meat.” Says a relatively tall boy. His long brown hair falls in front of his eyes. He looks to be almost 5’10” and has a nice build. I look at him for a minute, then realize I am staring because he looks at me like I am crazy.

“Nice to meet you too.” I say, more to myself.

“Well, someone has a ‘tude.” He says, acting like he is a girl.

“Well someone is a dick.” I say

“Yo, chill. Didn’t mean to offend you. What is your name?” He asks me.

“Kahlin.” I mutter.

“What? I didn’t hear you.” He tells me.

“Kahlin.” I repeat

I feel him get closer to me. Suddenly he is right behind me.

“That’s a cute name. Pretty close to this cute face. But not quite.” He says. He brings his hand up and starts to stroke my cheek. I just stand there for a second, not really knowing what to do.

Then I whisper “Stop touching me.”

“Why beautiful, touching you is basically my job.” He confirms.

I shrug him off and get back to unpacking.

“Babe, if you are going to live in my house, you are going to follow my rules.”

“This isn’t your damn house.” I hiss at him.

“Whatever. Well it was nice to meet you, Kahlin.” He starts to leave. Then he turns to me.

“By the way, my name is Eli.” He tells me.

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