Foster Home...

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Here is the second chapter. I am not sure where this is going but hey, its all good. Maybe something good might actually come out of it... hopefully.

Maybe 3 comments and 5 votes for the next chapter...?

I have it all written up.. so if you like it vote :)

Chapter 2

We go to the police station. I ride in the back with the officer that first showed up at our house. My mother rides with one of the other police that showed up after a while. One of the other men who came had a large medical set in the back of his car.  He came and patched me up, but say I will need to go to the hospital no matter what. I asked if I could go to the station first. He said that it was fine, but didn’t hesitate to add he didn’t feel it was the best idea for me right now.

When my mother walked out of the house, she was screaming swear words and threatening to kill me. On the way to the station, the first officer tells me my mother’s alcohol level was 1.9.  .11 Over the legal limit. He says it is no surprise she was so violent. I then proceed to tell him this happens all the time. Not just when she is drunk. But when she is drunk, it is worse.

When we arrived at the station, I got really nervous.  What if everyone else here sees how psychotic my mother is? I follow the policeman into the station and sit outside for a little bit. Before long, an older woman walks out to take me into another room and talk to me.

“Kahlin, I have some news for you. It could be good news, but it will probably be bad news.” She says. Great opening statement woman.

“Ok.” Is all I say to her.  She looks at me and then looks behind me to an empty wall.

“We are putting you into a foster home.” She blurts out. This is supposed to be bad news? This is great news. I am finally getting away from that woman.

“How is that supposed to be bad news?” I ask her.

“It is a foster home in Virginia.” She finishes. Why are they sending me that far away? It’s not my fault, so shouldn’t I be able to stay here, live out the rest of my life in peace?

“When do I go?” I ask her.

“As soon as you get out of the hospital and have packed your stuff. Right after this conversation you are going to the hospital. I am sorry, but the way your mother has been acting, they want to keep her for some test and they are going to be keeping her locked up. They also fear that with her violence, if she were to escape, you would be in some serious trouble.” She says, trying to sound calm.

“Well, if you are done ruining my life, I am done here. I will see you, probably never.” I say to her, not caring if I hurt her or her feelings.  I get up and walk out. I find the first officer standing in the hallway waiting for me

“Well I guess she delivered our verdict.” He says calmly.

“Yeah, she did.” I say.

“You don’t seem to upset.” He says, more of in a question form, wondering why I am not.

“Nah, not really. I get away from her I Just still don’t understand why I have to move so far away.” I say and look at him, studying him for the first time. He has really dark black hair, totally not matching his bright blue eyes. He had a nice looking build, and he also looks really young. I think to myself ‘I would tap that.’

“Did she tell you… what house you are moving into?” he asks.

“Uhm, no, why does it really matter?” I ask him, giving him the look like, wow, are you dumb.

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