t w e n t y - o n e

Start from the beginning

"How are you?"

"I'm just great. You?"

"Fantastic," I said under my breath, as I tried to subtly glance at Harry. He wasn't there.

"Jessica," I heard after feeling three taps on my back. "Meet me in the vending room at eleven," Harry mumbled, and then with that, he left.

"Looks like you've got yourself a date," Stevie boasted.

"I doubt it. He probably wants to show me two spiders doing it."

"Did he show you that yet?" Stevie gasped.

"Yes, oh, my gosh."

"Oliver showed me earlier but there was only one spider when I looked later myself."

"Yeah, she ate him after they f.ucked."

"My kind of woman."


"Harry?" I called out, looking around the room. "Harry? Are you in here?" No answer. "Henry Miles, what the f.uck? You told me to meet you here and you're not even here." My voice descended from semi-loud to a quiet mutter to myself.

"You know," a voice said, "technically if you don't think I'm here but you're talking to me, you're talking to yourself and not only are you talking to yourself you're conversing with yourself therefore you're crazy."

"I might be insulted if I actually listened to what you just said." He scoffed.

"How dare you ignore me? How is this marriage ever going to work if you don't listen to me?"

"I'm tired when I come home from work, Harry. I don't want to hear about Daphne's affair, your mother's scandals, or your troubles with the kids. Work is exhausting. You don't understand."

"And taking care of our kids isn't work?"

"You know that's not what I said."

"But it's what you meant."

We both stared at each other for a moment before giggles spilled out of our mouths, trying to look at one another's jolly faces through eyes squinted with laughter.

"So," I said, biting my lip as the silence grew. He stood leaning against the wall in flirtatious-jock-at-cheerleader's-locker stance. "What's up?"

"I have a surprise for you," he explained with a mischievous grin.

"Do you?" I smiled.

We had he whole "couple really seems to like each other so they just smile at stare at each other like idiots" thing going pretty strong.

"I'm taking you out today," he boasted, biting his lip.


"I'm taking you out today. And we can do all that cute couple s.hit. It's going to be hella romantic, trust me. I'm really gifted in the romance area."

"Is this going to be as romantic as Saint Harold's Fire?"

"If you were trying to make a reference to Saint Elmo's Fire, that film is disappointingly not about Elmo and a fire." I stared at him blankly. I tried to make it seem as if I were just meaninglessly staring at him, but in reality, I was taking time to notice the way his hair was so long that it the curls were down to his shoulders, and how he had a shadow of facial hair sprouted across his upper lip and chin, and how he had small doodles of tattoos on his wrist and peaking out from his collar bones.

(A/N- he doesn't totally have all the same tattoos and as many tattoos bc this is an alternate universe therefore the events that caused him to get certain tattoos never happened)

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