Chapter 5: Good Girl

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The townhouse was mostly empty. Kev, Dom, and Sabrina were all out finishing the last of their final exams for the spring semester. For them, summer break was tantalizingly within reach, but for Logan and Kelly summer break had already arrived. A slew of final papers meant that finals week for them was just a formality. So rather than spend their time studying or stressing, Kelly and Logan were lounging and relaxing together.

Nestled comfortably on the couch, in nothing but tan bra and stretchy blue sweatpants, Kelly's blubbery belly was covered in sweat and on full display. The air conditioning had gone out earlier in the morning. Logan had submitted a work order to have it fixed, but for the time being, it was just about as hot and humid inside their residence as it was outside. As such, Logan had brought a portable fan into the living room and positioned it in such a way to help cool Kelly down.

When he'd first met Kelly in September, she'd been skinny and rather short with a big smile, a big bust, blue eyes, and luscious long blonde hair. She was still short, obviously, her eyes and hair still looked just as pretty, as did her big breasts, but over the course of the year Kelly had packed on weight at an alarming rate. For anyone else, Kelly's unrelenting and severe weight gain might be a turn off, but for Logan, it was irresistible.

Weighing somewhere south of 120lbs when he'd first met her, she'd plumped up to nearly 200lbs when they'd first hooked up during the tail end of winter break. Now, 14 weeks later, thanks to his help, Kelly had to be pushing at least 250lbs or 260lbs, although he wasn't completely sure. Part of him wanted Kelly to weigh herself in front of him, but he was too shy to ask.

Regardless, it was obvious to the naked eye that the posh and pretty former cheerleader was now more than double the woman she used to be. Her seductive face had softened, those alluring cheekbones were no longer visible thanks to the way her cheeks had puffed up along with the rest of her body. Her breasts, once large and firm, had exploded in size to the point that they were simply too big and heavy to retain their natural perkiness. Kelly's new collection of plus sized bras were doing some serious heavy lifting.

Then there was her belly, the initial stages of Kelly's gain were quite kind to her figure. She seemed to pack on the pounds in such a way that enhanced her natural hourglass shape, but these last 50 or 60 pounds seemed to have mostly landed in one destination, her gut. As fat as her breasts had gotten, her lard-filled potbelly had gotten much bigger. It was now the first thing people noticed about her when Kelly entered a room.

The last thing people saw when Kelly exited a room was her widened hips, blubbery butt, and plushy thick legs. The girl had rounded out considerably and in Logan's mind, was looking better than ever. Although, this opinion was not shared by all of their other housemates.

Kelly's transformation over the course of the year depressed Kev considerably, although out of respect for Kelly and Logan, he hadn't yet gone so far as to rag on Kelly for her weight gain. Dom and Sabrina were more supportive of Kelly's change in figure, once they caught on that Kelly had seemingly embraced it. In the end, they loved having another eating buddy to pig out with.

Although Kelly's outward appearance had changed drastically over the last few months, her personality really hadn't. She was still as sweet and bubbly, friendly and outgoing as ever. Gone was the flat stomach, but Kelly was still Kelly regardless and her friends loved her for it.

"More chips?" Logan hummed, as Kelly continued to concentrate on painting her nails, while she reclined on the couch.

"Are the cookies ready yet?" She sighed, not taking her eyes off of the precise work she was doing with her nails.

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