Chapter 2: Kelly's Freshman 15+

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Comfortably slumbering in bed Monday morning, Kelly was feeling warm, rested and rejuvenated, quite a feat considering she'd had a rather busy weekend. Two weeks into the semester Michael had visited her just like he'd promised. She'd traded shifts waitressing in order to have the time to devote the whole of Saturday and Sunday to catching up with him.


He arrived late Friday night with a rich pasta dinner his mother had made, Kelly loved Michael's mother but to be honest it wasn't the food she was interested in Friday, it was Michael. For someone accustomed to sex every day or every other day, waiting two weeks to have her sexual needs satisfied was an eternity. Kelly was practically on Michael the second he walked through the door.

As such, she did her best to scarf dinner down quickly so she could drag Michael up to her bedroom as soon as possible, turning down an invitation to hang out with her housemates in the process. Once they were alone, Kelly wasted no time in stripping down to her underwear and letting Michael touch her body in all the ways he knew she loved. However, as he got to her breasts, Michael made an unexpected comment, "Have you put on some weight? You look incredible, babe. Look at the size of these boobs! They've gotten huge!"

Kelly instantly felt goosebumps all the way down her spine and blushed at the same time. The fact of the matter was that she had noticed her bras fitting a little tighter this week, but she'd placed the blame on her clothing shrinking in the wash, not her breasts growing. Putting on weight was a no-no, it was always looked down upon by her parents, her cheerleading friends, and her dance friends; however, here her boyfriend was lavishing her with compliments because of it?

Kelly didn't know how to feel, but regardless the praise felt nice. It had been so long since Michael had showered her with praise like this while touching her so sensually, she was almost too horny to think straight, "I... I dunno. Maybe. D-do they really feel bigger?"

"They do. I love it." Michael hummed, as he unlatched Kelly's bra and used his tongue to tease her nipples, "Whatever they are feeding you here, keep it up."

"Mhh, I will." Kelly obediential hummed, deciding to process the fact that she might have put on a little weight sometime other than right now. Without any disturbances, the high school sweethearts stayed up late into the night going at it again and again until each of them was well and truly spent.

On Saturday, Michael had planned out the whole day. In the morning he roused Kelly with more sex before he took her out to an expensive brunch, followed by mini-golf and ice cream. He made sure to shower her with praise every step of the way. Stuffed silly, Kelly was happy Michael suggested a movie next so that she could have some time to rest and digest. She loved it when Michael treated her like a princess, but she wondered where he was getting the money for all these activities since he'd emptied his bank account to help get her into college.

Michael's response was an honest one, his mother had given him a credit card for the weekend. With this blank check in hand, that night the two of them drove far away from campus to a somewhat local Dave & Busters arcade where they got dinner and drinks thanks to their fake IDs. While Michael stayed sober enough to drive, Kelly went from tipsy to drunk pretty fast. She couldn't stop herself when she was having fun.

She forced Michael to stay until the place closed around 1AM so that they could earn enough tickets to win a large stuffed unicorn that Kelly had been begging for all night since the moment they'd first explored the prize gallery. Over the course of the night, Kelly consumed a plate of chicken fingers, French fries, a chocolate milkshake and about three sugary mixed drinks.

In contrast to Saturday, Sunday was much more relaxing. Sleeping in until noon, the high school sweethearts took it easy once they woke up. Kelly proposed a walk around campus, which Michael accepted. The two of them stopped by the Starbucks so Kelly could have her coffee, and Michael even bought her a pastry for breakfast. Finding a pretty place to chill and talk around the shady outside of the cafeteria, Kelly vented to Michael about her first two weeks of college while she ate.

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