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Harry's POV

I got to divination early to find Neville and Luna already there. I sat down with them and Luna was as nice as ever.

"Hello Harry," She greeted me. "Neville and I have a meeting with the board of directors at St. Mungos on Friday afternoon. They've offered me a job there after graduation."

"And they've offered me a job as their full time medicinal herbology specialist," Neville grinned.

"That's brilliant, both of you," I congratulated them. "I was in the library reading about soulmate prophecies and obviously, nothing good comes from knowledge."

"Harry, I thought we talked about this. Prophecies aren't good news," Neville frowned.

"Yes, well. It is good news, mostly. I do indeed have a soulmate and they are here at Hogwarts with me. But the thing about this type of prophecy is that it needs to be fulfilled under a certain amount of time or else your emotions will basically die. I think, if I go full Hermione on this, I can figure out who this person is. But I need your help," I looked at Neville and then Luna.

Luna seemed like she was in a deep thought. Neville looked like someone told him his toad had turned into a muggle prince.

"Harry," Neville sighed. "What in Merlin's name do you think you're getting yourself into? I mean, if we don't pull this off, you're going to live like Filch. I should just buy you a cat already. I should call you a rotten baguette."

"So you'll help me?" I asked, hopeful.

"I'll only help you if you agree to start socializing with our old friends again. And yes, I mean Seamus and Dean and Parvati and Padma. Maybe even Susan and Theo. Stop hanging out with just Luna and I."

"I agree," Luna whispered. "Most people only see us for what mistakes we've made, but we should also see people for what chances they will give us. Even if you get rejected by someone, at least you can say you tried and that you know now that those people were never your friends. But waiting will only cause the divide to get larger so really, it's now or never."

I sat in silence at what Luna just said. Slowly, other classmates began to fill the divination classroom. Should I just say hello to people? Would that be a good first step to a new beginning?

Dean and Seamus walked in holding hands and I offered a smile at them. I had to start somewhere.

Dean waved at me but Seamus pretended not to notice.

"Harry, you scrunched up your nose when you smiled," Neville whispered to me.

"I can't help it. I'm too awkward," I groaned in frustration.

"Well, here comes the red flag," Neville said.

Ron entered the room with a scowl on his face. He sat next to Blaise and Justin in the corner all while staring at Luna, Neville and I. Even Dean and Seamus weren't safe from his glare.

I still don't think Ginny told Ron that I fancied blokes but with the way he was staring at all of us seemed very bigoted.

Draco was the last one in the class. He slid into a seat right next to Theo just as the candles in the classroom began to magically dim.

"All right my heroic prodigy, let's start today with a mixed up lesson with Astrology. Reading the stars and finding the future," Professor Trelawney waltzed in like a graceful leaf in the wind. "Please take a look at the books on each table and in coordination with Professor Sinastras midnight class, you will report back with a prophecy. Remember to take notes and come see me if you'd like to borrow a textbook."

"I thought we would be doing more body readings," Luna looked upset. "I finally wanted to see if the wrackspurts had changed my readings."

"I just don't want to be waiting all night for the right stars to align out of my telescope," Neville looked at the books on the table.

Stars and your future. Astronomy & Love. Manifesting with Stars. Divination and constellations.

They looked interesting and I wanted to take a book or two back to my dorm and read about it.

"I'll be right back," I told Nevile and Luna, standing up. I wanted to talk to Professor Trelawney about taking out a book.

"Ah, Harry Potter," Professor Trelawney greeted me as I walked over to her.

"Hello Professor. Could I perhaps borrow a few books?" I asked.

"Of course, of course. Just write your name and the books you want on some parchment and give it to me at the end of class," She smiled at me.

"Thank you Professor," I grinned back and went to sit with Neville and Luna again. I had a bit of extra parchment in my bag and I took great care in selecting the books I wanted to read.

At the end of writing notes and selecting books, he handed his slip of parchment to Professor Trelawney.

"See you all at midnight," She said as class ended. "The stars have aligned for all of you." Her voice bellowed as the students began the descent down the spiral staircase to the main castle. 

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