Mind of a Child Pt.1

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I stand, compelled by some inexplicable urge. The Dragon Flame raised his head, before touching his snout to my forehead. 

I gasp as I feel something--no, feelings, wash over me. Respect. Confidence. Acknowledgement of me as an equal.

Daphne smiled, watching our interaction silently. 

I stumble back, my mindscape helpfully providing my seat again. "That--was--" I pant in surprise. 

I'd felt impressions of the big guy before, but nothing like that. I felt his emotions as though he were a person and not just a magical essence in my body. 

"Intense?" Daphne prodded gently.

I was still stupefied, to the point where I could only nod in stunned agreement, my consciousness still reeling from what I had experienced. The only comparison that I could give (and not from my own experience) would be what soul mates feel (and since I never had a soul bond with Hermione or Susan, I can't really explain what that would feel like, but I'm sticking with this analogy, so deal). 

She chuckled again--she seemed to like doing that--as she laced her fingers together in her lap. "I had only a fraction of the Great Beast's power. You have all of the Fire of Life inside of you, you would feel his emotions on a more personal level than I." 

"More personal," I repeated dumbly before snapping out of my daze. "That wasn't just personal, that was like our minds had melded together. Our thoughts and emotions were each other's, we were one mind." 

Daphne smiled. "It would seem that you already have a strong connection then." 

I shrugged with a sheepish smile. "I guess." 

Daphne's eyes found my memories, and she saw a snippet of a memory where I had looked into a mirror for the first time as an infant. 

"You were so cute." She smiled tightly. "You always were wide-eyed, shocked and amazed." 

"Well, you would be too, if you were reborn as a princess in a magical kingdom," I groused playfully. 

"If I grew up not knowing magic, I suppose," Daphne agreed. 

I hesitated before shaking my head. "No, I knew magic, but...it wasn't like this. Like the Magix Dimension." 

Daphne cocked her head curiously. "What was your previous life like?"

I bit down on the automatic need to say, 'Hell,' and instead said, "Crazy." 

She lifted her brow, and I grudgingly admitted a bit more. "Interesting too, but mostly crazy." 

I hesitated, biting my lip. "I...don't really want to talk about it though. It wasn't the...best life. I learned to love, but...I lost so much fighting for peace, especially considering the...unusual circumstances of my upbringing and a manipulative mentor," My voice trembled as I allowed myself to remember. 

Hermione, Susan, Neville, Luna. Lily Luna, James, Sirius Minera, and Nymphadora Amelia. James and Lily. Fred and George. Hagrid. Cedric. Cho. Lavender, Parvati, and Padma. Daphne and Astoria. 

Bellatrix. Snape. Dumbledore. Voldemort. Delphi. Grindelwald. Faceless Death Eaters. Terrifying dark creatures. Demons. Monsters. The Carrow twins; Amycus and Alecto, Hestia and Flora. 

"I faced so much evil, and though it carried many faces, the tune never changed." 

My shoulders slumped, recalling all of the needless deaths and messages meant to intimidate the Wizarding World and turn them against me. Grindelwald's mark, Voldemort's mark. Delphi's riddles. 

Wings of a Wizard (Harry Potter x Winx Club x Fate Winx Saga Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora