Moving forward

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Sorry I was gone a bit longer than I expected got sick and was out of it for a few days so I may work on this chapter a bit more,Love you all and hope you enjoy.


I walked back into the cave and saw that Sokka was currently on the ground

Y/n:Hey sokka we need to go

Sokka: She sacrificed herself 

Y/n: I know I was here. I am sad that she won't be here in the physical sense however she will be watching over us 

Sokka: They need to pay 

I looked at him and saw the look of rage that so many have had on their face once before, I took off my mask to show my face.

Y/n: We will end this for her 

Sokka: Okay 

I went over to him and offered him a hand up 

Y/n: I know how it feels to lose people important to you 

Sokka: Y/n can you be quiet for a few seconds 

I nodded and stepped away to give him some space 

Y/n:(I feel bad for him 

Uncle: I do as well 

Y/n:(Do you think that he will be okay 

Uncle: No possibly scared for a while however he will heal 

I saw that Aang was still in the water giant 

Y/n: I wonder 

???: No you can't. You are weak 

Y/n: Shut up 

???:You have strength y/n however you are no avatar 

Y/n: I know this is going to sound profound and all however you're weak as well

???: Oh do you want to fight again 

I looked at her and felt my eye twitch a bit 

Y/n: You are right I am weak however when I surpass you I will look down on you 

???: I look forward to it 

Uncle: The world has changed much from my time I'm rather impressed and sad 

???: Oh the old man being sad 

Uncle: Yes however you're old as well 

???: I hate you both

Uncle: I will accept your feelings towards me

I saw that ??? sighed 

???: Y/n is rather strong you must have done something correctly in your afterlife 

Uncle: Of course he is. Y/n had people to push him to his limits I'm proud that he kept evolving 

Y/n: I appreciate all that you've done for me 

I snapped out of my daydream thanks to Sokka's steps 

Y/n: Ready to go 

Sokka: Yeah thanks for being here 

Y/n: No problem she was someone that I wish I got to know better 

Sokka: She was amazing 

Y/n: Well then let's end this war for her sake 

Sokka: Yeah 

We left the cave and all I saw was the aftermath of the battle. Homes destroyed and burned 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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