"And I also feel he was pivotal in the entire story so" I add.

"And your worst scenes?"

"All my scenes with Bradon Colins" I immediately reply and every one burst out laughing.

"Because it was played by Jake Millers" Jimmy cheekily asks and I immediately begin to shake my head.

"No,no,no.My problem was with the character not Jake. My worst scene to film most expeccially was the rape scene,It felt so real... and the character was just...for lack of better words omnimous" I say and the rest of the cast nod.

"That particular scene was really hard for her" Matthew says

"Yeah,I can remember her going through the scene and after she could not stop crying" Sierra,who played my bestfriend Amanda, adds.

"Seems like Jake was doing his job a little too well" Jimmy winks and we all share a laugh.

"But Leora,why so?" He asks and I get what he meant.

"It is not like I have had such experience but the realization that women actually went though things like that in reality,regardless of status and could be scarred for life.because going through the movie Lynnette never really got over that experience because in reality you can never really get over it" I finish and he nods in understanding.

The interview went on and he asked the other cast members a couple of questions and after that,we played a game of  Charades.

"Go stream the movie 'How to Love Again' on Netflix now and thank you all for watching" Jimmy brought the interview to a close and we had a mini party after that and by the time I got to my hotel i was beyond exhausted.

Today was well and truly long.

The next day,I was on my way back to LA.I would have gone straight to Malibu,but I wanted to head to the office first.

I put on a pastel pink bralette along with faded jean bum-shorts and throw on a pastel green blazer.I wear matching pink heels,mainly because I was going to the office.

I put on a pair or pearl studs along with my other accessories.I have my hair in a ponytail and i go for minimal make-up and a glossy lip.I grab my biege purse and I was ready to go.

I come out of my room to see Kathani standing outside.She was wearing a blue and white shirt with blue bum-shorts,a pair of white heels and a blue purse that Leon was holding at the moment.

She was on the phone as usual.

"Shall we?" She gestures to me as Leon hands over her purse and we head out of the hotel.

We get to LA by mid-day and Leon and I immediately head to the office,while Kathani heads home,not before having my car brought to the office to me.

I attend. a couple of meetings and meet with my creative team to discuss our upcoming clothe and shoe line,including the just released bag line with my public releations team.

I also try to catch up on all the things I had missed while in Rome and by the time I was done,It was 9pm.

"Norah,please Email me the documents concerning the Miami warehouse and I will not be in tommorow so move all my meetings to the next day okay?" I give instructions to my assistant Norah and take my leave.

I head straight home and order some food online because I was too tired to even make a sandwich and then cozy up in my living room while watching TV.

I get bored after a little while and decide to head upstairs.

I clear up all the bags from my dinner, grab a bottle of water from the fridge and then head upstairs.

I take a shower and change to my pyjamas.I try to go through some of my emails,but I could not make out a word out of anything so I decide to go through them later.

I close my laptop and turn off my lights,allowing sleep to take me.

Outfit Check

Leora's First ououtfit

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Leora's First ououtfit

Leora's First ououtfit

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Leora's Second outfit

Kathani's Outfit

Leora's Third Outfit

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