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Storybrooke, two years ago...

Rosalie had enough. She couldn't stay in town with her overprotective mother any longer. She had to leave in order to finally be free and happy with her boyfriend Alex. So today was the day. Her mother was in a council meeting so this would be the perfect time. She had packed a small suitcase with her most important belongings and money from her grandpa Henry. There was just one more thing to do.

The young blonde quietly went to her brother's room and opened the door carefully. Her little brother Henry was fast asleep so she quietly walked over to his dresser and left a letter there for him. Hopefully Henry would understand that she had no other choice but to leave.

She watched him sleeping for a moment before she left the room again. She grabbed her suitcase and back pack and made her way over to the staircase and walked down just as her mother came home. Rosalie gasped as she saw her. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Her mother wasn't supposed to come home until much later.

Regina frowned when she arrived home and saw the light was on in the foyer. She walked in and shoke her head as she saw Rosalie. She placed her keys on the counter and crossed her arms, giving her daughter a glare. "Where do you think you're going?" She demanded and raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at her young daughter.

Taking a deep breath, Rosalie got enough courage to step towards her mother and glare back at her. "I'm getting out of here. I'm leaving and there is nothing you can do about it." She spat out and also crossed her arms.

Regina chuckled, though it wasn't funny at all. It was quite frustrating that she had to deal with this again. She thought she had done everything in her power to keep her daughter away from that boy but aparently she had been mistaken. She shoke her head and looked into her Rosalie's brown eyes. "Rosalie, I know things between us haven't been easy lately but we can fix this. Where would you go? You are sixteen. You need your family. You have no home, no money, no means to get a job if you leave." She reminded the blonde and hoped she would see reason.

"I have money and I can finish school anywhere else. I don't need you, Mother. So please let me go." The young girl told her and tried to get past her but Regina grabbed her arm.

"No! You are not leaving. Go back to your room. You are sixteen, Rosalie. You need to listen to me." Regina pointed out harshly but gasped as Rosalie managed to get out of her grip. She couldn't let this happen again. She couldn't lose her baby girl again. Not when the curse had been done just to get her back.

"Just try and stop me." Rosalie pointed out and chuckled. She knew her mother couldn't stop her now. She wasn't a little girl anymore. She needed to stay strong and stand her ground.

Henry had woken up from the noises and quietly walked to the staircase and listened to what was going on in the foyer.

Regina couldn't believe this. She was beginning to get furious. The brunette tried to control it but then her anger got the better of her. She looked around and spotted a pair of scissors. She quickly grabbed Rosalie's long blonde hair and dragged her over to the pair of scissors. She grabbed it and began to cut her hair off. She wasn't thinking straight. She saw red in that moment. Blinded by rage she cut her daughter's hair off.

Rosalie struggled and cried out as she saw the scissors but as soon as her hair was cut she was free from her mother's grip and used that opportunity to grab her suitcase and ran out.

Henry was shocked when he saw what happened but he couldn't let his mother see him so he went to his room and got into bed again. He began to cry as he realized that his sister had left.

Regina was in shock as she realized what she had done. The mayor tried to run after her daughter but it was too late. The last she saw of Rosalie was her getting into that boy's blue pick up truck and driving off. She had lost her daughter once more.

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