Chain of Mistaken Events. 6

Start from the beginning

"Because you let go of your dream! No love or relationship or even heartbreak could be important enough to you to do that to yourself!" Beam sighed. "But guess what? You agree to get a job as an interior designer, P'Lam will find you one in no time!"

Minute blinked. "P'Lam?"

"Yeah, P'Lam! My Uncle Lam! My boss, you just met him! I told you about him, didn't I? He's also my Godfather!" Beam told her excitedly. "He's kinda the only family I have besides Nana!" he smiled. "I think I would be so lost without him..."

Minute eyed him from the corner of her eyes and smiled. "You're sure lucky to have someone like that to care for you, even after your parents"

Beam sighed and offered her a smile. "That I am" he said and looked ahead. "So, where are we going? Home?"

"Em... I was hoping you could go shopping with me?" Minute asked. Though she'd initially planned to jus bring Beam home with her as grandma was missing him and Forth wasn't available to do so. But seeing how the mention of Mr. Lam and his parents made Beam sad, she decided to cheer him up. And for sure, it did the trick as he perked up.

"Yes! Yes, please! Oh, shopping! And food, and ice cream, you're treating me, right? How bout we watch a movie too? Oh, or a long drive?"

"Oh, slow down, it won't be the last time we go out!"


Forth sat on the bean bag, head leaned against the armrest of the couch grandma sat on when a happy, bubbly Beam entered the living room with Minute, both carrying shopping bags and laughing at something funny Beam had told the older girl.

Forth's eyes landed on Beam instantly turned hostile. How dare that bastard!

Ever since he went to Beam's place and met his so-called boyfriend, he'd been seething in anger. He felt like at any moment, he could explode with how angry he was. That guy had fooled his entire family, including himself. He'd invaded their lives and hearts, his life and his heart, only to turn out to be a two-timing fraud.

And he had the audacity to walk up in front of him, all laughter and smiles as if he did them no harm!

"Beamie! Come play up the music with me! We're listening to Metallica tonight!" Kao went and threw himself at Beam who though startled, yet caught him.

"Oh, you're heavy! Get off me!" Beam smacked the boy's bums to get him off. Then he smiled and went to hug grandma.

"Hey, lovely lady, I heard you were missing me" he said and let her kiss his cheek.

"Oh, I did! Why do you make this old lady wait for you, huh? Do I have to summon you every time?" grandma asked.

"Oh ho, mae! He's already busy with work and then he goes to the hospital every day! He needs to eat and sleep too! He's kind to make time for us every other day!" Olivia said and went for her hug too. "Did you take Minute for an outing?" she whispered to him in an emotional tone.

"A hard task but finally accomplished! I had to guilt trip her! You should pay me" Beam pouted as he whispered back and Olivia pinched his cheeks.

"Should I bathe you in gold?"

"Nah, I'd rather you bake me desserts!" Beam giggled.

"Oh, oh, what are you whispering to him? Are you badmouthing me?" Grandma got worried and strained her ears. "Oh, Beamie, come sit here, stay away from this evil woman!"

"Huh! Mae! Watch what you're telling him! You're unbelievable!"

"Oh, what unable? What am I not able to do? I do walk, I do talk all fine! I eat fine by myself! I'm quite able to understand your tactics too!" of course, Grandma heard her wrong, making her close her eyes with a groan while everyone else held their chuckles.

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