Flashback 8-10:part 3 (Keefe POV)

Start from the beginning

Of course, she didn't seem to recognize what he was really saying. And even as miserable as he was, he felt a flicker of amusement—and maybe a bit of annoyance as well—at how adorably oblivious she was.

The conversation turned to the difficult topic of the Neverseen—trying to beat them and how impossible it felt.

And he explained how awful it was watching them be brought in, and how incredibly close to death she and Fitz had both been. How he'd truly thought, for a minute, that he was going to lose them both.

And he felt another wave of gratitude for Dex, who had prepared for this eventuality and had jumped into action the moment the panic switch went off—pausing only to try to convince Wylie not to put himself back near the Neverseen again.

As though Dex hadn't also been captured and tortured by them. But Dex was prepared to face them again—alone—to try to rescue his friend rather than let Wylie face them again.

Dex...was a truly incredible person.

Keefe really needed to thank him again.

But for now, they were still discussing the Neverseen and the increasingly impossible task of taking them down.

And Foster decided it was really time to fight back.

Keefe found himself admitting something to her that he hadn't admitted before--hardly even to himself.

The idea of fighting, of killing the enemy if absolutely necessary, was not as repugnant to him as it should've been.

But she didn't judge him for it--she actually pointed out that he wasn't alone. They all seemed to be hardening--and she blamed their situation. They had been forced onto a path they wouldn't have chosen, and it was shaping them.

But the more Foster's medicine kicked in, the more sleepy she got.

And she was adorable when she was sleepy.

And oddly obsessed with pockets.

But she seemed bolstered by the fact that she'd mostly pulled him out of his funk, and was determined to see this conversation through, come up with a plan of action.

He finally felt calmed enough to joke with her.

And then, Fitz woke up.

Overwhelming relief--tinged again with guilt--flooded through Keefe as he watched his best friend agree with Foster about the need for training.

And then Biana suddenly appeared in a corner.

Well...apparently it was a party.

Good thing he hadn't completely lost his head and told Foster how he felt about her. He'd have had quite the audience--and they probably wouldn't have been thrilled.

Well...Biana probably wouldn't have been jealous, not anymore.

But Keefe was well aware of how Fitz felt about Foster.

And his awareness of Foster's feelings for Fitz were precisely why he hadn't confessed his own feelings.

Besides...Fitz wasn't a screw-up.

He might be a bit of an idiot, sometimes, when it came to managing his temper or controlling his tongue, but...small issues compared to everything Keefe had put them through.

She was probably better off with Fitz.

And that was probably why her head fought so hard against her heart.

Her heart wanted Keefe, but her head knew better.

What a depressing thought.

And one he refused to dwell on.

He couldn't give up hope, even if he didn't deserve her.

At that moment, he felt the need to jump in and point out that battle training while Sophie and Fitz were on bed rest would be problematic.

Foster said they could start without her and Fitz.

And of course...

Fitz said they could use their Fitzphie Slumber Party to focus on their Cognate training.

To be fair to Fitz, it wasn't just his feelings for Foster that made him obsessed with them being Cognates. Not every Telepath--in fact, not many of them--ever found a Cognate. Keefe didn't really understand it, but he knew it was a special thing, and unheard of at their age. Fitz was pretty excited about that--and determined not to lose it like Alden and Quinlin had.

But it also gave Fitz a special claim on Foster that in his most selfish moments, Keefe resented.

He knew he wouldn't care about them being Cognates if they didn't also have feelings for each other.

He wouldn't mind them having a close working relationship--even a close friendship--if only her heart was his.

He could face anything if only she loved him.

And on that note...

Foster's mood had definitely taken a downward turn. He knew she liked having that Cognate bond with Fitz, but it freaked her out a little bit too. He assumed it was partly because she was afraid Fitz would realize she liked him--even though Fitz already knew and clearly returned her feelings--and partly because she was so accustomed to keeping things quiet, keeping secrets. Being that open and honest had to be really hard for her.

But that wasn't going to stop Keefe from calling her out on it. "You okay there, Foster? Your mood just shifted."

"I'm fine," she insisted. And she was only half lying.

Biana, thankfully, insisted that Sophie and Fitz both get their rest first, and began to lead Keefe out the door.

But before they made it more than a couple of steps, Foster said, "Wait. Keefe still hasn't said if he's with us."

Of course I'm with you. I'd follow you anywhere.

He stepped toward her, determined to support her however he could, but he knew he hadn't quite kept his sadness out of his face as he smiled at her and reached for her hand.

He hoped she'd notice how he was reaching for her hand now, even though earlier he hadn't taken her hand when she'd offered it.

Hoped she'd understand how much better she'd made him feel—even if he still felt wretched. But she'd at least restored his faith in the strength of their friendship, regardless of whether or not he deserved it.

"I'm always with you, Foster. Whatever you want, I'm in. Now get some sleep--it sounds like you're going to need it!"

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