"Wild?" I snap my head around to see Time standing a couple of feet away from me. He inches forward. I try and force a smile on but I know it won't work, Time can always see through that kind of stuff. "What's the matter kiddo" Time says as he sits next to me. When did he get so close? I ignore it, not important right now. I grab his pant leg and point to the statue. Time gives me a puzzled look as he looks at the goddess statue. "Hylia?" He asks softly and scoots closer so his cheek is almost touching my head. I give a small nod and clutch Times pant leg a bit harder. I don't want to cry, I don't even want them to know. "Did someone happen with Hylia?" Time asks quietly and I only crawl into his lap and hug him tightly.

"Talk to me bud... what's got you so down?" Time asks as he starts to rub my back and rests his head in my hair. I break. Sobs rack my body as Times hand falters for only a second. "Oh honey" Time says and I move my face to the crick of Times neck, Times hand comes up and holds me close and I just let my self sob.

I told Time, Times breath hitches and his hand rubbing my back stops. I start to pull away but Times arms wrap around to my back and pulls me into a tight hug, he's breathing heavily as if it really hurt him. I pull back slightly and Time looks at me with watery eyes. His breath hitches and he pulls me back. "It's going to be ok, we will be ok." Time mumbles, I can't tell if he's saying it for me or him but we just bask in each others warmth.
On the walk back to the house Time keeps his hand on my shoulder blades even as I have hand on the door nob. I open the door to everyone jumping out and yelling happy birthday. Everyone's smiling as they jump out of there hiding spots with there hands up in the air. My jaw drops, then I let out a breathy laugh. Twilight looks at my swollen eyes and his smile is wiped off my face. "It's not... my birthday..." I say looking at all of them "todays too sad.... to be my birthday.... I want my....birthday to be.... on when we first... met..." I say and the others give me a weird look. "What's Wrong? What happened?" Twilight asks as he looks at Time. Time looks down at me and squeezes my shoulder. "The goddess.... Talked to me... today..." I say and Sky perks up. "Isn't that a good thing?" Sky asks and Legend scoffs. "She's always a bearer of bad news." Legend says with a frown. Sky goes to retort but Time puts his hand up to get them to pay attention. There mouths snap shut.

"My Hyrule... is in danger again.." I say looking down at my hands. Wind pushes himself in front of Warriors and Four. "Yeah but we are here to help you!" Wind says with a big smile on his face. Time winces. And I shake my head. "She told.... Me I'm doing... this alone....." all eyes widened in fear.

"No that can't be true." Hyrule says putting his hand o ear his mouth as his eyes start to water. "I-I" Four cant seem to get any words out. Twilight stays quiet but looks like his whole worlds been torn apart. "Please tell me it's a lie Time" Sky begs and Time lowers his head even more. Wind has thick tears streaking down his face as he inches forward and grabs my hand to bring up to his face. And Warriors clamps his jaw shut and stands there stiffly with his head drawn down

"There is no way in hell, there's no FUCKEN way I'm letting that happen." Legend says face turning red in anger. "Legend I-" Sky tries but Legend cuts him off. "NO You see what she does! She takes and takes and takes and what do we get!? HURT! That's what we get I don't give a rats ass why this is bullshit!" Legend screams as tears make their way down his face. I slowly walk over to Legend and he envelopes me in a hug, picking me up and holding me close. "She can't do this to me dammit...." He says as sobs rack his body. I grab the back of his tunic and Legend pushes his face into my neck.

And suddenly I'm in a group hug, Twilights hugging my back, Winds to my left with Four on my right. The others fill in as close as they can.

Then the inevitable happens... a portal opens in my house. We all look at each other and I pat Legends shoulder as a sign to let me go. He hesitantly does it. "Love you guys." I say with a watery smile as I push them closer to the portal. And Hyrule takes Legends arm and nods to me. Hyrule drags him towards it. "NO! FUCK NO! LET ME GO! I CANT LEAVE HIM!" He screeches as he tries to force his way back to me. I only shake my head. "I'll.. be ok." I say and Legend chokes a sob before letting Hyrule pull him through. "Be safe." Warriors says putting his head against mine before heading into the portal. "You better come back.... You hear?" Wind says as he wipes his sleeve against his nose. I nod and give him a hug. Twilight places both of his hands on the side of my face and plants a kiss on my temple. "Try and stay out of trouble, we will be back as soon as we can." He says holding his head against my forehead for a little while before going through. "I still have to teach you to not break your sword so be ready." Four says clutching his head band in his hand and walking through. "I'll show you my loftwing when you get back ok? So stay safe." Sky says ruffling my hair and leaving with a watery smile.

And the. There's Time, he crouches down and pulls me into a tight hug. I can feel the silent sobs that shake his body. I hold him at arm's length and wipe his tears. "See you soon?" I ask and stick out my pinky. Time let's out a watery chuckle and interlocks his pinky with mine. "See you soon." He says as I push him towards the portal. But right as he goes to step through it. "I love you dad." I say Times head whips around but it's too late he's all the way through and the gate to my world and the other is closed.

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