Why him!?

425 17 12

Times POV
I slowly wake up and see that Wild is not next to me. I sit up and head down stairs, he not there either,hmmm. I step over the rest of the chains sprawled out limbs to get to the door and open it.

I take a few steps and look over to a statue of Hylia to see Wild kneeling in front of it with his hands clutching his tunic. "Wild?" I softly ask. Wilds head whips around to face me, he has this sorrowful look on his face before he shakes his head and plasters a smile to cover up whatever is bothering him. "What's the matter kiddo?" I ask coming closer and sit next to him. He grabs my pant leg and holds it for a bit before pointing to the statue. "Hylia?" I ask as I bring my face closer to Wilds face. Wild looks down and gives a small nod.

I look at him confusion clear on my face. "Did something happen with Hylia?" I ask and Wild only wraps me in a hug. "Talk to me bud.... What's got you so down.." I ask rubbing circles on his back and burying my head in his hair. I slowly feel his breath hitch into sobs and he moves to press his eyes into the crick of my neck. "Oh honey." I whisper setting one hand on the back of his head to hold him tighter as he continues to  cry out and sob.

"I-I-I d-d-don-t w-wan-" I cut Wild off "shhhh calm down first, breath for me ok dumpin? Yeah just like that." I say as Wild takes a deeper breath. He balls his fists a bit more and his crying gets worse. "Hey, hey don't think about it just focus on breathing." I say and Wild tries his best.

Once Wild calms down a enough for the tears in his eyes to dry to damp streaks. "Ok, now tell me what's going on." I say running my fingers through his long blond hair. "She... talked to.... Me" he says and I kiss the top of his head. "Ok what next?" Wild shrinks in on himself and opens his mouth to tell me.

The words that come out of his mouth has me freezing in place. My hand falters as Wild looks me in the eye, he makes a choked kind of sound before barreling into my chest.

Oh god... oh god no

Wilds PPV
I slowly blink awake to someone calling for me it's familiar but I can't remember who it is in my sleepy daze. I bring my hand to my eye and try and rub the sleepiness away. Suddenly I'm pulled closer to someone. I look up to see Time sleeping soundly with me tucked against his chest.
"Bura gəl" (come here) someone said.... Wait is that who I think it is? I slowly escape oTimes clutches and walk towards the stairs. "timthali, aw ka kan ka kɛ Bura gəl" (my statue, you must come here) it's Hylia, she's talking to me.

I go down the stairs and out the door as quickly and silently as I can. I kneel down to the goddess statue and bow my head. "kungo kɔnɔ jagokɛla ŋana rihlatuk bitməkdən çox uzaqdır" (Hero of the Wild your journey is far from over.) she says and my I feel my face contort in a confused manner, of course it's far from over I'm with the others, we get to adventure together and be a family. But Hylia continues. "digər qəhrəmanlar bɛna t'a fɛ u ka taama na bidunik ama narahat olma aw ni ɲɔgɔn cɛ waati bɛna na lafiɲɛ. yajib ealayk hifz Hyrule alkhasu bik ka bɔ balawu wɛrɛ la." (Thy other hero's will continue there journey without you, but worry not your time apart will come to rest. you must save your Hyrule from another disaster.)

my eyes widen in shock, I'm going to be alone again, I don't want to be alone again. My hands find themselves on the edge of my tunic as memories of my friends, no my family flash before my eyes. What if I lose my memories again. My mind spirals as I continue to think of all the things I'm losing. "kan bɛ, kungo kɔnɔ jagokɛla." (Goodbye, Hero of the Wild.) then her voice fizzles out. I sit there for far too long, it could of been mere seconds but seconds were far too long right now.

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