The Reaping

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It was the last reaping day I'd ever have and me and my little sister were still getting ready for the reaping. My little sister had tied her long brown hair into a French plait, she wore a light blue dress with sequins on. While I on the other hand just let my black curly hair fall over my shoulders, I wore a black and white dress that was slightly more fitted than my sisters.

I went down to find my husband Isaac and my parents waiting for us.

"Shall we go" my mother asked, I nodded and Isaac gestured for me to hold his hand.

We walked along my sister sulking at the back, my mother and father in a deep conversation about me going into the games and me and Isaac walking in silence while holding hands.

Finally Isaac broke the silence "you look nice"

I looked at what I was wearing nothing fabulous just a simple dress "thank you"

"I know your going to do it by the way" I gave him a look "I know your going to volunteer for the games"

"Look Isaac I need to, my parents they really want me to, since my brother refused and my sister is too nice to survive. I'm the only one who can, please Isaac I have to" I tried this last time to make him see my way

He sighed "okay. Just don't die, or I'm going to have to kill you" he smiled and I was glad there was no problem between us.

When we arrived at the justice building Isaac gave me a kiss then whispered "knock em dead"

"I will" I whispered back as he walked in the opposite direction.

I got my finger pricked and was now starting to feel the nerves of what I was about to do. It times like these I wish I had Isaac. Our escort Justice walked onto the stage in an outfit that just couldn't be comfy.

"Welcome, welcome to the 200th annual hunger games" she always starts the same boring way each time "and now a video brought to you all the way for the capital..."

The video plays and I find Isaac in the crowd obviously I look worried because he mouths 'you can do it' I nod and pay attention to the video

"Now for the girls" Justice says like every other time "the female tribute is... Mariam Espinoza" wow that was unexpected

"I volunteer as tribute!" I shout as loudly and confidently as possible " I volunteer to take Mariam's place in the games"

"Very well looks like we've got a volunteer" she claps and slowly everyone else does to "what's your name?"

"Dulce Espinoza" I say with as much confidence as I could muscle up.

"I bet that was your sister right" I nod but don't say anything

"Now for the boys" she rummages around the bowl "the male tribute for district three is..."

- love Nikita

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