Cheese Viking

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"What do you want?" He asked.

On a related note Respawn was honestly 10 seconds away from slamming the door in his face and going back to sleep.

"A Good Morning would be appreciate" 

There it was.

Respawn rolled his eyes before saying "I know"

"What do you want?" He asked again, with an unpatient manner.

"Last night you said you didnt know what Cheese viking was" Damian straightened his posture, recalling a conversation they recently had.

"Yeah? And?" Respawn trailed off raising his eyebrow. He opened the door a bit more leaning against the door frame.

"No, You do not understand. You dont know what Cheese viking is" Damian switched to his serious tone.

"Should I?" He questioningly asked.

Because did he really need to know? Was it that important?

Damian made that same noise he did with his tounge, His Iconic Tt completely ignoring his question.

"Wear something more appropriate and meet me outside" Damian finished off and turned his back.

"Where outside!?" Respawn shouted after him.

"Outside the front door!" Damian shouted his back facing the other way.

He looked down at his clothes, They werent That  Bad were they? His eyes wonder to all the stains and he couldnt see his face but it was most likely in terrible condition.

With imprints from the pillow and chaped lips.

Okay, it was probably That  bad.

But seriously, what could Damian want from him at 6 am? And Him out of all people..

People are sleeping at this time.

Respawn grumbled some words about 'Damian' being 'Nocturnal' and how hes a 'Fuc-'

Exactly 10 minutes later. He walked out dressed in jeans and a red hoodie he always wore. Something casual.

"I wanted to show you something" Damian said walking up to him.

"It better be good, Or else I will kill you" Respawn huffed.

"Couldnt do it the first time you tried. What makes you think anythings changed?" Damian said with such smugness in his tone and features that made Respawn pissed off.

"Just follow me" Damian tugged on his arm like Respawn was a small child that need navigation. He didnt mind it though. 

Being looked at as younger and more clueless. He didnt really take it personal anymore. Hes read up on anger issues and learned to not give a-

"What is cheese viking?"

"Its a video game" Damian answered putting his hands into his pockets.

"You play video games?" Respawn gave him an inridiculous look.

"No, just cheese viking"

"Whats it about? How do you play?" Respawn asked surprisingly intrigued.

"Ill show you" Damian pointed to the arcade in front of him.

"This is the only place in gotham with the game. The other one was destroyed, by myself. Though in my defence I was in a induced state of mind by Ras" Damian practically dragged Respawn behind him.

Respawn eyed the place curiously. The walls were an un seeable dark shade. The neon lights hanging bove every game messed with the lighting. The floors were smooth marble deeming a tawny red under tone. The place was unusually cold.

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