Fall Weather Friends

Start from the beginning

Twilight: And I'm here to...?

RD: [grunt] I don't know. Why is she here?

Wolfie: Pick me up from sneaking off?

AJ: To be our judge and keep score.

RD: Right, heh. Somepony's gotta record my awesomeness for the history books. [grunt]

Twilight and Applejack just stare at each other. Wolfie and Spike just stare at her.


Spike: Hello everypony, and welcome to the first annual Iron Pony competition!

Wolfie: Here is Applejack and Rainbow Dash looking to see who's the best, most athletic pony in Ponyville!

Spike and Wolfie are on Twilight's back announcing into a stick that Spike's holding. Twilight turns her head to them.

Twilight: Uh, Spike, Wolfie, who are you two talking to?

Spike: Um... uh, them!

Spike points to the rest of the Mane 6 who are walking towards them.

Wolfie/Spike: Let the games begin!

Mane 6 -Twilight: [cheer]

We now see a Applejack in front of a line of barrels.

Twilight: Ready. Set. Go!

Applejack zips off. Zigzagging in between the barrels. She's doing good then hits a barrel.

AJ: [gasp] Dagnabbit.

She makes it to the finish.

Twilight: Time, Spike?

Spike: 17 seconds.

AJ: You're kiddin'! That breaks my record from last year's rodeo.

Spike: But you got a five second penalty for nudging the barrel.

AJ: [sigh] Nuts and chews! Still, that's twenty-two seconds. Not too shabby.

Applejack notices Rainbow's nervousness.

AJ: Hey, don't be nervous. Remember, it's all in good fun. Now git on up there.

Rainbow flies to the start getting ready to run.

Twilight: Ready. Set. Go!

She zips off. She was able to not hit any of the barrels.

AJ: Woo! That was some fancy hoofwork there, Rainbow!

RD: Thanks, but I [pant] couldn't have been as fast as you.

AJ: What was the time on that, Spike?

Spike: 18 seconds!

AJ: 18 seconds. Rainbow, are you sure you're not secretly a rodeo pony?

Wolfie: Wow Rainbow!

Twilight lifts up Rainbow's hoof while Wolfie jumps from Twilight's back to Rainbow's. And then jumping back to Twilight.

Twilight: Rainbow Dash wins the barrel lead!

Fluttershy puts a score on the scoreboard for Rainbow.

RD: Oh, I can't believe I won.

AJ: Yeah, well, don't you go gettin' used to it.

Rainbow kicks the button. And little thing goes up to the bell causing the bell to ring and the ponies cheer.

AJ: Mighty respectable, [spit] but let me show ya how it's really done. [grunt]

She kicks the button thingy and the bell rings again. But instead of it being just that, the bell breaks off causing the ponies to cheer some more.

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