Applebuck Season

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AJ: Boy howdy! I got my work cut out for me. That there is the biggest bumper crop o' apples I ever laid eyes on.

Big Mac: Eeyup. Too big for you to handle on your own.

AJ: Come on, big brother! You need to rest up and get yourself better. I haven't met an apple orchard yet that I can't handle. Oops, sorry. I'll take a bite out of this job by day's end.

Big Mac: Biting off more than you can chew is just what I'm afraid of.

AJ: Are you sayin' my mouth is makin' promises my legs can't keep?

Big Mac: Eeyup.

AJ: Why of all the... This is your sister Applejack, remember? The loyalest of friends and the most dependable of ponies?

Big Mac: But still only one pony, and one pony plus hundreds o' apple trees just doesn't add up to...

AJ: Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue! I said I could handle this harvest and I'm gonna prove it to you. I'm gonna get every last apple out of those trees this applebuck season all by myself. [gulps]

Insert Theme Song

AJ: Well I better get kickin'. These apples aren't gonna shake themselves outta the trees.

The ground shakes and an apple shakes itself out of the tree. Hitting Applejack on the head.

AJ: Hey! Oh no.

In Ponyville...


Cows are running towards Ponyville and ponies start panicking.

Pony: Stampede!

Pinkie: [laughter] Hey...! [vibrating] This makes my voice sound silly!

Twilight: Pinkie Pie, are you crazy?! Run!

Wolfie: She probably is crazy, Twila.

Mayor Mare: Everypony calm down. There is no need to panic.

Rarity: But Mayor, whatever shall we do?

RD: Look there!


Ponies cheer seeing Applejack and her dog.

AJ: Move aside, Winona. Put 'em up, girl!

Pinkie: This is the best rodeo show I've ever seen. [eats popcorn]

Wolfie: Where'd you get popcorn?!

AJ: Come on, little dogies! Turn! [whistle] Winona, put 'em up! Ha hah! Gotcha. [grunt]

Winona: [bark]

AJ: Attagirl. [grunts] Yee haw!

Applejack is able to steer the cows away. Everypony cheers.

AJ: Whoaaa. Hooie. Now what was that all about?

Cow: [moo] [cough] Oh my! Begging your pardon, Applejack, but Moo-riella here saw one of those nasty snakes.

All the cows shudder.

DaisyJo: And it just gave us all the willies, don'tcha know.

AJ: I completely understand. Just next time, try and steer clear of Ponyville.

DaisyJo: We certainly will, Applejack. So long, Winona!

Ponies cheer: Applejack!

AJ: Yee haw!

Pinkie: Yee haw! Ride 'em, cowpony!

Mayor Mare: Applejack was just... just...

Pinkie: Appletastic!

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