Joane's Dress

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Boston Massachusetts, 1924

"OW!" Joane felt intense pain after the servant took the wax off her legs. She was slowly regretting Alice's decision to wax her legs, since no one was going to see them over the enormous white dress. It also didn't help since she was getting married today, and this was so last-minute. She was getting married to John S. DuPont, from the South Carolina DuPont's. Her Father arranged the whole thing, since it was tradition in old money families to set up an engagement as soon as possible. Joane only knew they man for two months, and when she conversed with him it was hard for her not to go off on him from his twisted views on everything.

"I don't even wanna get married, Nichelle. Oh how I loathe that man, I seethe when he is in sight, how his ill-centered views make me turn in disgust. Who cares if he's an Egg!" (Egg-Wealthy Man). Nichelle the servant then threw the wax strips in the trash, and moved to fix her dress, since they we're running behind.

"You know how he is Johanne, you have to abide by his rules.  Besides, when you do marry, you both will share assets so you can do a little retail therapy." White streaks started to show from her black locks, and the Servant smiled. Joane quickly put them away, but the servant abruptly stopped her.

"These are too beautiful to be hidden, Joane. It's unique." The Girl gave a leer to the Servant and still continued to cover them.

"You know how they are, everything has to be normal, formal, and perfect. Now c'mon I have to go walk down this dip-shit aisle, " The Bride instructed annoyingly. Joane quickly picked up her skirt to walk to the main Ballroom, where she was going to get married. The Place they chose was so large that their was a room for Joane to get readyBefore she went in, she noticed her Father, who was there to walk down the aisle, was in  fumes.  Prius angrily yanked her hand and pulled her close.

"Now, I want no funny business, any at all girl. You are already 3 minutes late, do not test my patience. You are getting married and that's final." He tried to whisper, although it sounded more like hissing. The doors then opened, and Joane saw hundreds of her Father's associates and good friends, who we're in Old Money Families of course. She then saw Ruth, looking at her in pity. Only Ruth knew about the truth behind this wedding, only for greed and two powerful Wealthy families to join. Lionel was with the Groomsmen, as he was Best Man, and still didn't feel this Wedding was right. Everyone else was uplifted by seeing the gorgeous bride elegantly walk down the aisle with her Father. 

Joane looked to see that bastard of a man she was about to be wed with hidden disgust. The Groom was standing there, giving that cheap smile that he always does. Looking at Joane as if she we're a piece of meat. She met the Groom in the middle, Prius then went to the side with the other Groomsmen. The Marriage Officiant then cleared his throat as he began to speak. Everyone in the stands then went to sit down.

"It is my great honor to stand beside you both today, joined by the people that love and support you the most, as you take this next step". The Pastor said as he looked at both of them in earnest. 

Prius, noticing Joane's attitude, turned his right hand away from the audience, and waved it. Joane then immediately felt euphoria as her smile became more genuine. Her Groom then felt a bit surprised, then went smug.

"The Groom may now recite his vows." John then had they nerve to slyly have a card to remember his vows, probably wrote for him by a servant.

"Joane Maxwell Vanderbilt," The Bride then looked at him with pure love in her eyes and a quick sigh of pure bliss, that even startled him by the quick change in her demeanor. "I promise you my unconditional love, fullest devotion, and most tender care through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future, as we become husband and wife." He concluded his speech with confidence.

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