Chapter 31

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Her form was pretty much all it took for her to realize and she knew that all this was a dream, hallucination, poison yet it still managed to find a way to damage her no matter what. But the only question that remained for her at the time was

—Why am I seeing the future?

—Are these the possibilities that could eventually happen in time?

—And why are they showing her more than one version when all this should be due to what she 'fears' the most...??? All of this just made her more and more confused.

What was the reason as to why the thing she fears the most lies in the future...

It's unknown to her, and because it was Asteria was scared.

The possibilities were endless and no matter how it ended, she knew that it wasn't going to be any good towards her. At least, not wherever she currently was and is. But Asteria only had one option at the moment.

To move forward

As she began to walk into the emperor's palace, loud and multiple noises soon started surrounding her. Out of curiosity she followed the echoes of the noise and do you know where it led her??

To her palace the Diamond Palace. Many maids and butlers, rushing hurriedly everywhere around the entire area as she got closer she thought of hiding but earlier she accidentally ran into a servant earlier but phased right through them.

But that doesn't mean that she can't hear anything. It just meant that she wasn't able to touch or be touched by others.

"Why are they running around so crazily?? And in my palace no less.." Asteria wondered.

She continued to wander around her palace until she heard something that two maids were whispering about.

'That's weird...I don't have those maids? All of mine are hand-picked by me!!' Asteria thought to herself as closed the distance.

"Didn't you hear??? Princess Asteria— is being exiled from being called both the crown princess and princess of Obelia!! She's going to be executed in just 5 hours!!!" a maid exclaimed.

Her eyes widened in shock as her mouth draped open. "I'm...what?!" Desperate in both confusion and helplessness, she was in need of more answers. However, before she could hear any more she was teleported.

Two blobs of blonde standing before her. But the area they were in was just the worst they could've been. Surrounding them was the cells that were meant with those with mana and there she could see her father and....sister

Asteria tried speaking but instead she couldn't. She was inside the cell with restraints along with Claude and Athanasia on the other side of the cell.

"Sister, why did you try to kill us?? Did you really hate me all this time?" Athanasia uttered. Her eyes widened in shock as words spilled out subconsciously. "Why did I try to kill you guys? Isn't it obvious?! I'm the heir to the throne, yet!! NO ONE DARES TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT!!!" Asteria shouted.

Inside Asteria began to wonder,

Was this how I really felt?

Was I acting as harsh as I am now?

But...why won't anyone acknowledge me?

Why are they saying I'm so inferior??

I'm also from the main blood of the Obelian Empire..

So why do I have to suffer through all this?! Why me?? Just what did I do so wrong that no one is by my side??? My entire life was just—

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