Maggie pants as she continues dancing with Hermione. Both of them were beyond drunk as they laughed, twirling each other around.

"Hey, McKinnon!" Cedric, appearing in high spirits, wraps his arm around Maggie's shoulder before leaning down to mutter in her ear. "I have your favourite party favour"

"Let's go,"

Maggie gives Hermione a playful nudge, directing her towards Harry and Ron, who are more than willing to take over the dancing duties, causing Hermione to bury her face in her hands as the boys dance around her. With a wink and a grin, Maggie follows Cedric.

Maggie drags Cedric by his wrist over to where a group of sixth and seventh-years are sitting. She grins when she spots the silver tray that has lines of white powder racked up.

"First line for the birthday girl!" Cedric cheers.

Maggie leans down, accepting the small rolled-up note from a muggle-born student. She presses her other nostril close before sniffing. Powdered Wide-Eye Potion was so popular at parties because the effects were instant.

"Is that-?" Fred asks as he approaches Maggie, his curiosity piqued.

"Yep," Maggie confirms with a nod, her pupils dilated as a grin spreads across her face.

"How do you feel?" Fred asks.

"Euphoric," Maggie replies with an infectious grin. "You want to give it a try?"

Fred, ever adventurous, simply shrugs and moves over towards the small tray.

"When in Rome," He quips, deciding to join in on the fun.

"Just a small one, folks," Maggie announces to those around them. "A trial run."

Fred bends down and mimics what he has seen Maggie do. As the effects hit him, his eyes fly open, and he is overcome by a rush of energy that seems to permeate every cell in his body. Euphoria floods his brain, just as Maggie had described.

"It's amazing, right?" Maggie asks, and Fred can only nod in agreement.

Now thoroughly caught up in the excitement, Maggie pulls Fred onto the dance floor, where the music pulses around them.

Fred watches in awe as Maggie moves to the beat, her smile radiating pure joy as he spins her around, her hair fanning outwards.

But the smile drops from her face when her eyes lock on a figure in the corner of the room. Without any hesitation, she pulls away from Fred before disappearing into the crowd.


Maggie bursts into the corridor, her eyes scanning the area. Movement to the left causes her to pick up her pace, chasing after the figure.

Her heels click against the floor causing her to curse. She takes the shoes off and throws them to the side.

She chases the trenchcoat-covered figure until he stops in the abandoned wing of the seventh floor. Her breath catches in her throat as she stares at her father.

"How did you get out of the house?"

"Your grandfather is surprisingly lax in containing me. However, he keeps you trapped like a little bird in a cage doesn't he?"

"Why are you here?"

"I can't not see my daughter on her seventeenth birthday," Her father shakes his head. "That would make me a bad father"

"I'll scream," Maggie threatens.

"You wouldn't dare,"

Maggie opens her mouth and the start of a scream tears itself from her throat but it's cut short when her father points a wand at her. The witch's eyes widen in terror when she realises her father has taken her voice from her.

"Now Margot," Her father walks forward. "There's no need to be disobedient is there? I'm your father"


"It's a shame for us to have our time cut short," Her father sighs. "But remember what will happen if you tell anyone"

Maggie gulps, remembering her father's rather graphic description of what his allies would do to her if she told anyone that she knew where he was.

"If that isn't good enough for you, I'm sure you remember screaming on the floor under the cruciatus curse,"

She watches as her father retreats into the darkness, disappearing into the darkness.

Her hands were trembling worse than they ever had. Maggie stumbles to the wall, sliding down it as her breaths come out shaky and panicked.

"Maggie, wh-"

Maggie's head shoots up at the sound of Fred's voice. She stares at the boy, horrified as he stares at her with wide eyes.

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