Chapter 5

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Redson lay down on his bed, staring at his phone. He was scrolling through some old messages between him and Mk before he heard a knock on his door. "Yes?" He called out. The door opened slowly and his mother poked her head into his room.

"Redson, can you follow me for a moment? A friend of mine has something to tell you. He says its—" she turned her head outside the door and there was a muffled voice behind her, most likely his father. "Its... rather important." She turned back to him and gestured her hand to follow her. "Oh... Of course, mother." He said, placing his phone down and standing up.

As he followed his mother, she brought him to the main entrance to the dining room, and there stood the shadow of a monkey. "Lui'er! Please, come in, sit down." His mother called loudly. The monkey reluctantly followed. The shadow on the monkeys face disappeared, and sat at the table was the six eared Macaque.

"Macaque? What are you doing here!?" Redson pulled out a chair and sat down with his hand outstretched beneath the table, sparks snapping.

"Calm down, sparky. Its about your boyfriend." Redson's ears twitched and he had a worried look. "Talk. What's wrong with Mk? Where is he?" Macaque looked at Iron fan before sighing loudly.

"He... something happened. He isn't 'human' anymore—" he made air quotes with his hands. "He ran away to a deserted island last night. And—" Macaque hung his head low and stopped talking. His tail, which originally was swaying at a regular pace, started to slow until it eventually came to a stop at his side.

"Macaque? Is everything alright?" Iron fan asked. By now, The demon bull king had come to sit down as well. "Lui'er, you look troubled. What is wrong?"

Macaque ran his claws through his fur and sighed. He continued to look at the table as he spoke. "Wukong... he's not.. well. And i don't think he is going to get any better." He closed his eyes and breathed in slowly, as if holding back tears.

Iron fan and Bull King looked at eachother, both confused, but Redson, in shock, walked over to Macaque and put his hand on his shoulder. "You said Mk ran away, do you know here he went?"

Macaque looked up at him and nodded. Redson gave a affirming look and started walking back to his room. His mother followed him quickly. "Son? What are you doing? Where are you going?" She asked. Redson didn't answer, he instead grabbed his phone, put on his Jacket, and teleported away.

Lady Iron fan ran back to the kitchen and to her surprise, Macaque was gone. "He left as soon as Redson walked off. I hope he knows what he is doing." Iron fan looked down in sorrow. "I hope that old monkey can hold on long enough for Mk to say goodbye..."

. . . .

"Then i said, 'so what if it's raw? It's still food!' And i ate it. Then, the next day, as you'd know it, i got food poisoning!" Mei's family was having a get-together in the apartment. As Mei's parents spoke with grandparents, aunts, and uncles, Mei was with one of her older cousins.

"Mk hasn't responded to my messages. Im starting to get really worried..." her cousin put a strong hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, M's, he'll come back soon." "Yes... but, how long is soon?" Mei asked. Macaque listened through Mei's shadow. He looked away slowly, in order to not reveal his hiding spot.

"Well it was wonderful to see you all again! Hopefully next year, we meet at a more convenient time, haha!" Mei's father laughed heartily. "Well, keep in touch, right?" Mei's cousin stood up and shook her hand. "Yeah, sure." She smiled, waving goodbye.

"Sure looked like a big family to me." A voice called from nowhere. Mei's parents looked around worriedly, but Mei knew better. Mei turned slightly and stomped on her shadow, causing Macaque to emerge from the darkness.

"Gah,  jeez! Calm it, will ya? Im here to warn you." Mei, who was in a readied fighting stance, began to stand normally.

"Okay, give it to me straight. Why are you here? And where is Mk?" She asked, staring daggers into his eyes. Macaque blinked twice and looked away. "Mk's on a deserted island,' and Wukong, isn't doing so well...—" Mei tilted her head, "what do you mean Wukong 'Isn't well'?"

"Well, i know your kind of an airhead, and you said, 'give it to you straight', so..." yeah why don't you just see for yourself." Macaque grabbed Mei's arm. "H-Hey!" He created a portal and they fell through the floor.

"So... how does she know him?" Mei's father asked. Her mother shrugged.

. . . .

Macaque and Mei landed in the living room of Wukong's tiny house. As Macaque showed her to Wukongs room, she started asking more questions. "How long has this been happening? Has he moved at all?" Macaque shushed her.

"Maybe, if you would wait a minute, you would have all the answers to your questions." Macaque whispered as he opened the door slowly. He poked his head through the crack between the door frame, slowly opening the door wide enough to where Mei could see Wukong.

His face looked cold, but strangely normal, until Mei looked down and his arm. It was covered in what seemed to be stone? She scanned the rest of his bed slowly, realizing that in fact, half of his body was covered with the stone material, as if it was... growing on him.

Macaque sighed "You've seen enough." He created a portal and the two were suddenly back in Mei's hotel again. "Wait! What was that?! You can't just leave me with 'Wukong's covered in stone!' Explain what's wrong with him!" Mei shouted. She felt a strong hand on her shoulder, her mother's.

Macaque looked down slowly, then up again at Mai's parents, who had walked up behind their daughter. "Um... apologies for... uh, ruining your party. It was, rather important she saw what was happening. I will be leaving now." Macaque bowed his head, with the grin he wore too often, and fell through the floor with his shadow portal.

"Darling? What did you see with him?" Mei's mother asked intently. "I... i don't know how to explain it, but i'm ready to go home."


Thank you SO much for your patience on this chapter, haha! This one was definitely more confusing to figure out story wise, since i usually only bullet down ideas for chapters in physical books, since most of my ideas happen at school!

I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and more news, i've recently joined youtube again! I had to quit due to some more... personal things in my life, but i am back and so excited to share with you guys my rebranding!

Go check out my channel Witherrain whenever you can! It's not there yet, but something new will be arriving shortly! See you there, and stay safe, as always!

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