Chapter 3

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Mk walked downstairs slowly. He had gotten barely any sleep. Tang looked over to his as he placed his head down on the counter.

"Wow Mk, you look exhausted. Did you not sleep well?" Tang asked. Mk turned to him. "I didn't sleep at all because of this STUPID TAIL!" Mk exclaimed. He slumped down and put his head down. When Pigsy walked in, he noticed how horrible Mk looked.

"Jeez, kid, you lucky today's Saturday. You look horrible." Pigsy said, earning a giggle from Tang.

"No need to remind me..." he said through a yawn. Mk looked up and rubbed his eyes. After a few minutes, Mk did eventually fall asleep again. "Hey Pigsy?" Tang said. "What is it?" He asked.

"How did you figure out where Mk came from? Like i said, he could've very well ran off." Pigsy sighed.

"It's because, well... seemingly every event that happens with the kid is an enigma. From when i first met 'em to now."

Mk opened his eyes a little and shifted his head. Tang moved the hair out of his face, which woke him up.

"Mm...what...happened?" He asked groggily. "Oh gosh! Sorry Mk! I didn't mean to..." Tang started to shout. Mk covered his ears. "Can you not yell, it hurts..." he closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

A couple minutes later, the phone rang. Mk's head shot up and his ears twitched at the ringing sound. Pigsy picked up the phone. "Hello, Pigsy's Noodles! We are closed over the weekend, but if you'd like to call Monday- " Pigsy paused. "Oh... yes, he's here. Yeah, sure. I'll hand him the phone." Pigsy walked over to Mk. "It's your boyfriend, Mk. He wants to make sure your okay after the other day." He explained.

"Oh..." Mk said, grabbing the phone. "Hi red. How are you?" He asked. "Yes Im fine, mostly." Mk answered. Tang and Pigsy could've sworn they heard Redson shout at Mk through the phone"No! No, I'm perfectly fine! No need to worry, Haha!" He faked a laugh.

Tang and Pigsy did their best to try and overhear their conversation, but they could barely hear Redson at all. Eventually, Mk handed Pigsy the phone back. Saying that he was worried for Mk and just wanted to check in.

"Well its great that he's so considerate. You got a good one, Mk." Tang nodded. Mk smiled.

"Im worried about something though... what do you think he'll think of..." Mk gestured to all of him. "...this?" Tang and Pigsy looked at each other. "I think he'll like it, kid. No need to worry." Pigsy reassured. Mk looked down.

"I wish Mei was here. She'd be able to help me through this..." Mk looked at his phone and decided to check on Mei's profile.

"Yep, still with her family. She looks like shes having fun. I wouldn't want to intrude on that." Mk thought. His phone buzzed in his hand. It was his reminder for Monkey King's training. He packed up and goodbye to Tang and Pigsy.

. . . .

"Okay, Kiddo. Today were gonna try balance. You ready?" Macaque asked. Mk nodded. Macaque jumped and landed on his tail. "Now you try."  "Ok!" Mk jumped and tried to balance on his tail, but immediately failed. He fell on the ground and landed on his back.

"Ughh... Are you sure this is a necessary lesson?" Macaque groaned. "C'mon, kid. Wukong's not here, so I'm your substitute. You gotta deal with it."

"Where is monkey king, anyway?" Mk asked. Macaque turned his head to the house. "He's... uh, tired! He didn't sleep last night so he asked me to teach you." Macaque explained, blushing a bit.

"Okayy..." Mk said condescendingly. Macaque hopped back onto the ground and grabbed Mk's torso with his tail. He held him up to his face upside down.

"Listen kiddo, you gonna pay attention and practice or are you just gonna stand there?" Macaque asked with a grin on his face. "Fine, fine. Can you put me down now?" Macaque flipped him over and dropped him into the ground.

"Now, pull out your staff and try picking it up with the tail." Macaque said, leaning against a nearby tree. Mk groaned and followed the instructions macaque gave.

As training went on, Mk started to become way more upset about certian things. Like, 'i cant do this!' Or, 'i cant do that!' And eventually just gave up and sat down in the corner.

Macaque teleported next to him and leaned his head on the wall. "Kid... i know how it feels..." macaque got cut off by Mk shouting.

"No you don't! You have no idea how it feels, Macaque! Waking up one day with a whole new body?! At least you had a friend to help you!" Mk bared his teeth at him which earned Mk a shocked look from Macaque.

"Im going home." Mk finally decided. "but our training is not even halfway done!" Macaque called out. "I said im going home!" Mk snapped, and walked out of the cave.

. . . .

When Mk got home, he avoided talking to Tang or Pigsy. And though they were very concerned, he brushed them off and continued walking upstairs.

He sat down on his bed and looked around. He felt bad that he gave up so quickly at training. And that night, he didn't even answer Redson's calls, or come down to eat his dinner. He just stayed in his room, and he thought of an idea.

"Wait... Macaque said that the way he learned how to use his tail was to climb onto trees, why don't i just do that instead of everything i was learning?" Mk thought. He immediately stood up and started to pack his backpack with essentials. Things like clothes, shoes, hair products, and other things.

As Mk turned off his room light and grabbed his phone, he thought about telling Pigsy and Tang about his idea. "They wouldn't care, anyway. Im 20, i can do whatever i want." Mk opened his window and used his staff to jump out and into the air.

As Mk flew on his cloud towards the forest, he thought about Redson and Mei. Mei would be coming home soon, and she wouldn't know where he was. "She would probably support my idea, like she always does, and tell me to do what i think is best." Mk was worried about Redson, however.

"I wonder how he would react. He'd probably yell at me to not run off by myself, and keep practicing with Monkey King and Macaque." Mk laughed at this, and continued flying towards the horizon.

. . . .

YEAH BABY MONKIE MAGIC IS BACK IN BUSINESS!!! Hopefully i'll get to write more often now that i'm on summer break. Hope u guys enjoyed this chapter!!

Anyway, here is a drawing of Monkie Magic!Mk i did before i go to the shadow realm again-

Anyway, here is a drawing of Monkie Magic!Mk i did before i go to the shadow realm again-

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But yah, ima head out, BYEEEE!!

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