Crys started to move to get up as well.

"Stay here." Brandon said, a little firm.

Crys stopped. "Why?" She asked.

Brandon tried to think of a good way to explain. "Well, it'd be pretty hard to explain to my parents why a girl I've never told them about before is in my bedroom without them knowing."

"That makes sense." Crys said quietly.

"Can't be too loud, either." Brandon added on.

Crys nodded.

"Anyways... I'll be back in a bit." Brandon said, giving Crys a brief smile before leaving his room, shutting the door behind him.

Crys was left alone in the room. She looked around again, taking in the smaller details. It was a rather small room, now that she thought about it. It wasn't small small, but it wasn't big. Cozy, maybe. She got up out of the bed and stretched before looking around the shelves and taking a closer look at all the knick knacks. They were fairly interesting, at least, she thought so. After that, she went up to the window that was taking up most of the back wall of the room. She figured opening the blinds entirely was a bad idea, so she decided to just take a peak between two of them. What she saw outside surprised her. It was a normal yard with plain grass in it, then a street, and on the other side of the street was another yard with another house. Next to the house was another house almost exactly like it, and so on and so forth. It was a completely normal little development as far as she could tell. She looked up at the sky, and it was the right color. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and it surprised her. Once she was done admiring the quaint view, she went back over to the bed against the wall and sat on it, patiently waiting in silence for Brandon to return.

A few minutes later, Brandon walked back into the room with some breakfast in-hand. He shut the door behind him and handed Crys a plate with some scrambled eggs and toast with butter, then he sat down on the floor with his own plate of the same meal.

Crys picked at her food a bit before actually eating it. "I looked outside." She spoke up in-between bites. "I just peeked through the blinds. Nobody saw me."

"And?" Brandon asked, hoping for a follow up.

"I thought your world would've been different." Crys continued.

"What do you mean?"

"Everything just looks normal. It looks like my world."

"Well, your world really isn't much different than mine." Brandon explained. "There's one or two differences in history, a few places that don't exist here as well as some people and companies and stuff, but other than that, they're pretty much the same."

"Werewolves?" Crys asked.

Brandon gave a small laugh. "Definitely not."

Crys smiled a little, then it faded. "What happened while I was gone yesterday?" She asked after a few moments passed.

Brandon frowned. "Well, after I woke up I did my normal routine. I waited for you downstairs, but you never showed up, so I went looking for you. I couldn't find you at all so I wound up just going to school trying to text and call you the whole way there. I kinda hoped you just left early, but uh, you obviously didn't... anyways, at lunch Tomas and Emma asked where you were and I told them I didn't know. After school all of us went searching for you but we couldn't find you anywhere. After that I just went home, and then you showed up in the doorway... we were really worried about you, Crys."

Crys pondered what had happened for a moment. "Seinhou took me last night." She spoke up. "When I woke up, I thought everything was normal. I couldn't find my phone at all, but I went to school. Everyone was acting weird. You didn't care about your jacket, Josh was messing with us and wasn't scared of me, Tomas was so careless and Emma didn't sound like herself at all... Nothing was right. Later on we wound up going to the stadium and I asked you where your necklace was. You said you forgot it and I realized that with everything so wrong that none of it could be real... I started yelling and screaming, and then the whole world started to just, melt in front of me. Y-you started to disappear... little bits and pieces of you would fade away until you completely vanished... the whole- the whole world..." she started to choke up a bit as she vividly recalled every haunting detail. "Everything disappeared. There was nothing around me at all... All I could see was myself and- and then the simulation turned off and Seinhou showed up again. I demanded for him to take me home and then he shot me with a tranquilizer gun and-and... and then you know what happened."

Imperfect Life: Arc 7Where stories live. Discover now