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Before you read: there will be talk of death, seizures, abuse (physical and neglect)

He pulled his fathers shirt. "I'm busy Thomas," his father said. "But daddy," the kid said sadly, just wanting his fathers attention. "No Thomas, I have some important people coming over, go to your room, no one can know you exist," he said pushing the kid off him slightly.

"But daddy, please," he said sadly tearing up. "You, can you bring him to his room and make sure he stays there?" His father said calling over a gared, he came over, "come on prince Thomas, let's go to your bedroom," he said putting a hand on the kids back, motioning for him to walk. "Don't call him prince, he's not a prince," the king said. Even though Thomas was his son he didn't count him as a prince and the public can never know he exists.

He was brought to his room and the gared stood in front his door on the outside his room. He sat on his bed sadly. He just wanted his father, just wanted attention from someone. He got up opening his door, witch the gared turn to him. "Thomas your supposed to stay in your room," said the gared said. "Can you be wif me?" He asked, the gared looked at him sadly.

He wasn't supposed to, but the kid looked so sad. "Yea, just don't tell your father," he said coming into the room. The kid excitedly
ran and grabbed a bucket with toys in it and pushed it to the middle of the room. "I got legos, have ou pwayed?" Asked the 5 year old. "When I was younger, it's been a while," he said sitting on the floor next to the kid.

"Do you have Lego at home?" He asked opening the bucket. "No we sold them when I was younger", he said. "That sad, want to see who can build the best house?" He asked the gared smiled and nodded. "Your on," he said and the kid excitedly started building.

He kept the kid company for 5 hours, them just building all sorts of things. His door open and there stood the king looking angrily. "I asked you to make sure he stayed in his room not to play with legos all day!" He said angrily, the gared stood up. "Sorry sir, he asked for company and thought I could give him some as I keep him in his room," the gared said. "Daddy we had lots of fun! Don't be mad," the kid said. His father shook his head. "Your fired, come get out," the king said, the kid got up.

"What no! Daddy no he my friend!" He said going in front of the gared. "No Thomas he's not, come on let's go, I'll write you your last pay check," he said. The gared sadly followed and listened as he heard the kids cried and a maid come and watch over him as they clean his room. The poor kid didn't have much and now no one will never go out there way to help him scared to get fired.

Tommy helped clean up the legos with the maid. Sadly then a butler came to get him for dinner. He sat at the table with his father silently just picking at his food. He usually eats alone but his father wanted to talk to him. "Thomas you can't keep behaving like this," his father said, the kid looked up at him teary eyed. "Just want friends," he said mumbling. "You can have friends when you leave the castle at 18 but for now you have to intertaing yourself in your room not bothering the staff," he said.

Thomas pushed his food away from him angrily. "Why don't you love me daddy?" He asked looking at his father. "THOMAS! Your room, now!" He said angrily. The kid looked at him sadly. "Tell me you love me, that you hide me for my safety, that I'm wrong about you not loving me!" He said angrily, just hoping he was wrong. "Room," his father spat. So the kid stormed off to his room crying.

He was 16 and standing straight as his father placed a crown on his head. His grandfather was coming over and even though the public doesn't know about him, doesn't mean they can't fake a bit of it for his mums dad. The queen passed a few days after Thomas birth to unrelated reasons, aka she had a seizure and it killed her. He wouldn't look his father in his eyes, nor say anything to him.

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