The hwangs men quickly loaded up their guns and took their positions.
They didn't wanna make a sound while getting rid of the men outside, just in case.

2 of the hwangs men striked first, coming up behind keongs men and quietly dragging them down putting them in a chokehold.

Keongs men from the outside were dropping like flies.

Not long after, Hyunjin and Christopher arrived and stuck with The hwangs men.

There was this one man that was hiding in the corner, and was hitting the alarm to alert everyone in the building that they were under attack.

It wasn't long until Hyunjin found him and immediately shot him in the head. Blood had spalttered everywhere and a little drop was left on Hyunjins pants.


All the alarms in the building went off and Keongs men were ready for whatever was coming, or so they thought.

"You 5 come with me and guard this room!" Keong throws his hands up in the air with frustration.

"Well fuck..!"

The hwangs men went straight into action and instantly shot anyone who was in their way.

Some men were shot as well, but only a few.

Hyunjin started looking for the room his boyfriend was stuck in, and didn't hesitate to break down the doors.

Door after door, he banged on them as hard as he could but nothing.

"OVER HERE!" The hwangs men said.

They arrived at a door that was sealed shut.

"There's no way in sir!"

Hyunjin storms up, with flames in his eyes.

"There has to be a way in!"

The men tried knocking down the door but it was no use, nothing worked.

Hyunjin panicked, he looked everywhere for anything that can help them get in.

And that's when he looked up.


The men quickly knew what he meant and immediately tried to open the ceiling.

"Sir Hyunjin, Please be careful, we won't be able to fit in their but once your in, open the door for us and we will assist you.

He quickly nodded and started climbing.

"Wait I'll come too!"

"Chris no! It's too dangerous for you..."

"Hyunjin, Felix's is My best Friend, I'd do almost anything for him, even if it means killing myself for him. I am willing to take the risk."

He signed.

"Fine... come quickly!"

And then Chris started climbing


"What is going on out there?! I want answers!!" Keong yelled at men inside the room.

"Sir, we don't know yet, I'm trying to get a hold of our men but no one is answering!"

"Useless idiots!"

Keong walked up to Felix.

"GET AWAY!!!!" Tears began flooding out.

"This was you and your little boy toy Hyunjin?! Wasn't it!"

"I-i don't know-!" He almost choked on his tears while speaking.

𝘒𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘉𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨...  || 𝘏𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon