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" I'm going to slaughter that Keong. "

"Hyunjin? What are you saying?"

"Chris, don't stop, drive straight to my house. Please."

Chris nodded without question and started driving to Hyunjins house.

Hyunjin had a plan.

Since the whoever sent the photo to him, he'd be able to see where it came from, exactly.

He clicked on the profile icon and then clicked location and quickly saved and and hopped onto a call with his mother.

"Go faster Chris, we need to be there quick."
He started speeding up, not caring whether he'd get a ticket.

Hoyeon : Jin? What's wrong

Hyunjin : Hey, I'm sending you a location right now, these fools don't fucking know what's coming, tell the men the location and go directly to it please..

Hoyeon : Oh of course!

Hoyeon : I just sent the message, their on their way to the location you sent me, don't worry Jin, we will get Felix and kill the bastard who took him.

Hyunjin : Thank you so much...., I have to go now..

Hoyeon : Yes, and be careful Hyunjin you don't know what this Keong is capable of...

Hyunjin : dont worry, I know how to handle him...

Just as he ended the call, they arrived.

"Chris stay here, I'll tell you everything once I come back and also sit in the passenger seat, I'm going to drive."

"Ok, if you say so..."

Hyunjin left the car and quickly ran into his room.

He opened his drawer and inside was a whole lighter, with red flowers on it. Then he grabbed a tiny bottle of gasoline. But thus gasoline he had wasn't any kind of normal gasoline, it was very powerful.

He grabbed that and left immediately.

"Hyunjin, explain. "



"... Keong took him and he's doing stuff to him that is disgusting, and Im going to beat the shit head to a pulp."


"Well fuck, let's go get that asshole."

And off they went, but they had to be very quiet while trying to save the younger, they didn't know who would be outside, nor how it would be on the inside.

Someones pov

"Did you send it?"
Keong looked directly into the guards eyes, and he nodded.


He looked back at Felix and walked up to him, gripping his hair back.

"No one's going to find you lix.... stop fighting back, it's getting on my nerves too.."
He aggressively let go and walked away.

"Make sure he doesn't pull any shit.. if he does tell me immediately."

The guards nodded and glued his eyes directly to Felix.

There was nothing in Felixs eyes, it looked like they were dead.


There were a few men standing outside the abandoned building.

𝘒𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘉𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨...  || 𝘏𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘹 Where stories live. Discover now