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"W-we do ha-ve some spare time, why... not?"

(A/N: You already guess what's happening.)

They continued working on the project and finished it early.

Time: 7:36

Since they did finsh early, Hyunjin stayed around for awhile keeping Felix accompanied.
They watched movies and talking about stuff that they don't normally talk about when they're at school together.

"Baby, where are your parents? I never seen here?"

"Well they moved out not so long ago, they had some business to take care of and they couldn't really come back and forth everyday, so they decided on just moving"

"Wow, so you really live by yourself??" Hyunjin had a shocked face.

"I can't even imagine living alone!" Knowing Hyunjin, he fell to the ground like it was the most devastating news he's ever heard.

The younger giggled at how dramatic he was being and helped him back up.

"Hey um hyun.."

"What is it baby?"


"I wanted to tell you this early but I didn't want to worry you or anything, so I'll tell you now.

Hyunjin already started becoming worried.

"When we left the Cafeteria, Keong pulled me aside and said stuff that creeped me out.." Felix was looking down replaying the words Keong had said to him which scared him.

It was slient.

Felix was nervous and confused on why he wasn't saying anything.
He looked up to see literal flames in his boyfriends eyes.

He starts cracking his knuckles making them turn a bright white, he grinded his teeth together.
He then walked away, pulled out his phone and quickly dialed a number in anger.

"Wait what are you doing?!" Felix stood up to inspect what he was doing.

"I'm just going to make a quick phone call."

Calling "Mother ^^"

Hyunjin: Hey ma, can you do a favor for me?
He clenched his fist and started to make them bleed again.

Hoyeon: Of course! What is it you sound a bit mad? What's going on?

Hyunjin: Can you prepare the men? Just keep them ready at all times, something unexpected might just happen if I don't watch out.

Hoyeon: O-oh okay? Why what's going on? Are you in danger?
She was confused and worried.

Hyunjin: I'm fine, I'll explain everything when I come home tomorrow.

Hoyeon: No I want to know now Hyunjin.

Hyunjin: Please mother,I promise I will explain everything tomorrow!

Hoyeon: All right then, you better.

Hyunjin: Okay thanks love you.

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