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" Let's go wild , shall we? "
Lia then got all her friends and dragged them to go shopping for clothes.

" Soo... Where do you guys wanna go first? " Not gonna lie I'm kinda hungry... " Changbin pouted
" Oh ok wanna eat McDonald's?" Felix suggested
" I don't see why not , but more importanly , who is paying??? " Minho was looking over at Hyunjin.
" Fuck no , I already spent to much money on yall! " Hyunjin says

" Eh I'll just pay i don't min- " Felix was cut off by Jeongin and then said ,

" Aw Hyunjin... Your gonna let your boyfriend pay for our food? " Jeongin said with a huge smirk on his face.

" I- , fine whatever.... " The older agreed to pay for everyone.

Hyunjin noticed once again Felix blushing , At this point he was gonna turn into a tomato.

While they were eating , having nice conversations with jokes and laughter.

When all of a sudden Hyunjin looked at his phone with a shocked face , he almost choked on his drink.

" Shit , Guys I have to go my mother is coming back today!"
" But Hyung we didn't even get to go shopping! " Seungmin added while The older was running to get her sister.

" Well guess it's just us then?" Chan told them awkwardly.
" Yeah I guess " Jisung added.

" Guys I'll be right back I have to go to the bathroom real quick " Felix said

" Alright! " Jeongin said.

Felix's pov

I got up and headed to the bathroom , when I was finished I was at the sink washing my hands, when all of a sudden o hear someone walk in , It was a man he did not look okay at all.

He had messy hair , You could see the eyebags. He also smelled like alcohol and he had a cigarette in his hand.

He dropped the cigarette and then approached me.

" Hey , what's a cutie like you doing here? " The man said.

I was extremely uncomfortable and just ignored him. For some dumb reason I thought that would of worked.
He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall .

" Why you ignoring me? ... Hm? " The man said with a smirk.

" Stop! What the hell are you doing? Let me go!" I demanded but still nothing.

He covered my mouth and lifted up my shirt.
Right then and there I wanted to run away I wanted to scream for help but I couldn't.

He was touching me in spots I hated it I wanted to punch that man in the face so bad.

" You have a nice body... " He took of my shirt, that was it.
I bit his hand and he let me go , I was running so quick but he grabbed me by the wrist and shoved me on the ground.

" You bitch! " He yelled at me and slapped me.
Then again he touched me.
I started to cry , tears were coming in nonstop.

Right when he was gonna take my pants a hand stopped him and shoved him to the ground so hard and started to beat the guy up.

I didn't know who it was until I adjusted my eyes.
Then I saw who it was.

It was Hyunjin.

Hyunjins pov

" Yeji! Where are you! " I yelled trying to look for her.

Then I see her and the other girls
I run with full speed to tell her

" Yeji , we have to go moms coming back! "
I told her.
" Oh shit , Damn It! Girls I have to go , shop for me while I'm gone!!! " She exclaimed

" Ok now go! Your moms not gonna be happy if she sees a mess at the house. " Ryujin said.

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