Tony: what have we got

(As the Female soldier gets out of the vehicle but shot down and dies  as the other soldier grabbed  his gun and looked at the soldier next  Carly and tony)

Soldier #2:  Jimmy  stay with stark and Jones!

(As he gets out of the vehicle )

Soldier# 1:  (telling  Tony and Carly) stay down!

Tony/Carly: yeah

(As soldier# 2  gets shot and killed scarring  Tony and Carly  in the process)

Solider# 1: son of  a  bitch!  (Loading his gun  then getting out of the vehicle as well)

Tony: wait  wait  wait!   Give us a gun!

Solider# 1:  stay here

(As gunshots hit the solider and also the glass as both Tony and Carly get out of the vehicle  as  explosions  was going off  as they hid  behind  a big rock  trying to text help  as  a stark&Jones industries  missile landed next to them as they try to run  it goes off hitting the them both  as Tony and Carly's chest started to bleed     next thing  they saw was bags over their heads  as it was taking off   they were tied up with a camera on them  with  terrorists from the ten rings  holding them hostage

(36 hours  earlier  Las Vegas)
Cut to a award ceremony as an announcer  talks about  the lives of Tony stark and Carly Jones

Announcer: Tony stark  and  Carly Jones   visionaries   geniuses   American
Patriots   even from early ages  the son of  legendary  weapons developer  Howard stark   and  daughter of his partner  Naomi  Jones   quickly  stole the spotlight   with  their  brilliant and unique  minds  at age four  they both built  their own circuit boards   at  age six  Tony  with his own engine   and  at the ages of  seventeen  they both graduated    summa cum laude  from MIT  then  the passing of  the titans
(Showing a  newspaper  saying  Howard and his wife  Maria stark with Naomi Jones  die  in  car accident  on long Island  )  Howard stark  and  Naomi Jones's  lifelong  friend  and ally
Obadiah stane   steps in  to  fill the gap left by the legendary founders  until at ages twenty one   the prodigal son and daughter  returned   and  are both anointed  the  new  CEOs  of  stark&Jones  industries   with the keys to the kingdom   Tony and Carly  ushers in a new Era  for  his father and her mother's legacies   creating  smarter weapons   advanced  robotics  satellite targeting   today  Tony stark and Carly Jones  has  changed  the face  of  the weapons industry   by  ensuring  freedom  and  protecting  America  and her interests  around  the globe

(Audiences applauded and cheered as Colonel James Rhodes  is on stage )

Rhodes: as a liason to stark&Jones  industries   I've had  the unique  privilege of  serving  with  real  Patriots
They're  my friends  and  they are my great  mentors   ladies and gentlemen it is  my honor  to  present  this  year's  apogee awards  to  Mr. Tony stark  and  Ms. Carly Jones

(As the audience cheers and applauded as only  Carly Jones approached the stage as Rhodes gave the award to her as  Tony was not in the audience as Obadiah stane  walks onto  the stage to accept  the  award  for  Tony )

Carly: thank you  Rhodes   (speaking into the microphone)  and  thank you  all  for  this award   I'm just hoping to honor  my mother and Howard  legacy and will continue to do so  thank you

Obadiah: thank you  colonel

Rhodes: thanks for the save

Obadiah: (gets to the microphone) this is  beautiful   thank you  all  very much
This wonderful    well  I'm not  Tony stark 

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