Chapter Thirteen: I Don't Understand...

Start from the beginning

'And he knows what to do.'

'Whatever,' the brunette boy scowled.

'He's not pushy, lazy, he's motivated,' the girl sang, feeling reminded slightly of Red.

'So am I!' Gary's voice cut into her thoughts, and she glared at him.

'He's not cranky, he loves me just as I am,' She growled, surprising the other teen.
'I got another man,
and he ain't nothing like you.'

'You're returned, he's delivered,' she explained, frowning slightly at his peeved expression.
'He's the now, you're the never.'

'Maybe one day, right?' Gary looked up hopefully, hugging her from behind and making the crowd cheer wildly.

Shaking her head, Leaf sang, 'You could never be what I wanted you to be.'

'Come on, try me,' Gary let go suddenly, and Leaf turned to see fury blazing in his eyes and she was startled.

'Now I'm so, oh so over it, over it, over it,' she sang hesitantly after seeing his expression, before narrowing her eyes.

'Two can play at that game,' she thought.

'I've got another man
and he ain't NOTHING like you,' she hissed, emphasizing the word 'nothing'.

Gary's fuming chocolate-brown eyes met her own as he sang spitefully, 'I sit a staring from across the club,
With my arms folded in front and my face screwed up.
'Cause she's your girl now.'
He sang in the way a guy accusing his girl of cheating on him would; icy, cold, hateful, and all the synonyms for that.

Leaf took a step back, her anger fading into guilt.

'She says she's with another man
and she's your girl...'

'Shut up, Gary.'

'But watch out 'cause she's in demand.'

'Shut up...'

'I wouldn't get too close and I wouldn't obsess.'


''Cause she will take your heart and break it when she says-'


The sound echoed around the auditorium, hushing the crowd. Gary staggered back, clutching his wounded cheek and nearly dropping the mic. Leaf panted, her face growing redder and redder by the second as she picked up her microphone and sang with as much anger as she could muster-

'I got another man,
and he ain't nothin' like you.
I got another man,
and he knows what to do.
He's not pushy, lazy, he's motivated.
He's not cranky, he loves me just as I am.
I got another man...
and he ain't nothin' like you...'

The brunette teen faced her, and for the first time upon meeting each other, Leaf actually saw pure, glittering anger as he knitted his brows and literally shouted the last words, 'Then I'll get another girl!

Wild cheers erupted from the crowd as the two teens turned their faces to each other, red in the face. As soon as the curtains closed, Leaf took a step back. She wore an angry expression, her eyes bubbling with all her bottled-up emotions waiting to be released. Gary took note of this, his own anger fading into guilt as he stepped forward.


'Shut up Gary,' the girl spat, tears forming in her eyes. She took a deep, shaky breath and closed her eyes, willing with all her might not to let the tears spill. She looked him in the eye again, 'Please... leave me alone...'

'I can't do that.'

She backed away, cowering like a scared animal. 'W- what do you mean?'

The teen shook his head, taking another step forward that they were only inches apart. 'You should know by now... Leaf. Even you can't be that oblivious...'

'What the hell is that even supposed to mean?!' She yelled, stepping towards him as her emotions danced in a flurry of confusion and anger. After her rage settled down, she bowed her head and whispered, 'I... I just don't get it...'

'Get what?' Gary's voice was barely audible.

She shook her head, sending a mass of chocolate curls flying, 'I- I... I don't understand you...'

'Leaf, how do you think I've been feeling all this time?'

Hey eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 'Wha-'

'You have no idea,' he began, bowing his head. 'No idea what runs through my mind whenever I see you face. You don't know how hard it is for me to get to sleep at night when your face seems to be etched in the back of my mind. You don't know what I do to myself whenever I see you with Red. You don't know... you have no idea Leaf. No damn idea.'

His words shocked her as she cupped a hand to her mouth. She stared wide-eyed at the teen before her as her cheeks flushed pink. Her heart beat wildly against her rib cage, like a dove trapped in a cage wanting to take flight.

'What are you saying Gary?'

He looked at her with a tired expression, like someone who had given up on the world. He stepped closer to the girl, so close that they were almost touching. Before she could react, his hands reached out and gently caressed her face.

'You still don't get it Leaf?'

She shook her head softly, noting the decreasing inches and their faces learned closer and closer...

'It's because... I love you.'

And then the gap was sealed. It was quick, innocent and chaste. The were no sparks. No fireworks. No glittering explosions. The only sound audible was the sound of their thumping heartbeat, beating in sync to one another.

And then, he pulled away, and vanished into the shadows, leaving Leaf with a raging tumult of bubbling emotions.

'What...' she asked herself. 'What just happened?'

Her eyes widened in shock as she realised, 'Oh that's right. We kissed.'
PLS DON'T KILL MEHHHHHHH *faints anime style*

Anywho, I don't wanna talk about the reason I didn't update (because I know you don't even read the A/Ns anyway...) BUT I DO WANNA TALK ABOUT THAT LAST LITTLE BIT.



I mean, if that little scene didn't make you scream in delight, I don't know what could ^_^

Peace out v-3-v

- Skittles

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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