Chapter Five: Jealousy (Part One)

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Chapter Five: Jealousy (Part One)

'Dawn, it's just a duet,' May sighed, putting down her pencil to stare at the girl.

'May, I've never sang in a duet before!' she whined, throwing her hands in the air.

It was too late to be arguing now, at eight-thirty in the night. Both of them knew that. But the blue-haired girl kept going on about it, and one thing May knew was, she probably wouldn't stop 'till two in the morning.

'Too late to turn back now,' May said, chewing on the end of her pencil. 'What's fifty-three times forty-eight again?'

'Two-thousand, nine-hundred and forty-four,' Dawn answered without hesitation.

May swivelled around in her seat to gape at the girl.

'Guess all that tutoring from Paul paid off,' she grinned.

'Yeah, guess so,' Dawn murmured, gazing out the window. Ever since 'that fainting scenario', Dawn had been avoiding him all Friday. The news that she had to sing a duet with him came to her like a blow in the head, so of course she fainted. Well, it might've been an overreaction. But still.

'You need to come up with lyrics, y'know,' May pointed out, neatly placing her Maths homework back in its orange folder.

Dawn's head shot up off the bed, 'Oh crap!' She moaned. 'Of course I bloody have to come up with lyrics!'

She grabbed her pen and pad, expecting the words to rush at her like a torrent of water. Instead, her mind was blank.

'May...' Dawn faced her with a worried look.

The brunette instantly grew pale, 'You don't think...' she began in a low tone.

'Yes, I do think,' Dawn nodded in confirmation.

May's eyes widened, 'I'm texting the others,' she muttered, whipping out her phone and keying in message. Within seconds, the whole gang had zipped to their dorm in a flash.

'DAWNIE BROKEN?!?!' Leaf wailed, encasing her friend in a tight embrace.

'I-I think so...' Dawn whispered, unsure whether or not to hug her back or push her away.

'Uh, would anyone like to explain why we are here at eight-thirty-nine at night?' Gary said sarcastically.

'Dawn is broken!' Leaf cried again, burying her face in her hands.

'Crap, crap, crap, holy sh**!' Misty continued her colourful string of words, which I have gladly censored for the comfort of our viewers.

'I don't get it,' Ash scratched his head.

'Yeah, for once I agree with Ash,' Drew added.

'Hmph, I couldn't care less about Dawn and her troublesome antics,' Paul muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets.

'You idiots!' May cried, finally unleashing the bottled-up worry contained in her. 'Dawn can't come up with lyrics! And if she can't come up with lyrics, she doesn't have a song, and if she doesn't have a song, we can't pay our TV bills, and if we can't pay our TV bills, I can't get my daily Naruto* and Vampire Knight* fix-'

Drew put his arms on May's shoulders, 'Geez May, calm down,' he said coolly. 'We'll just wait tomorrow, and maybe it'll flow normally. Maybe Paul did something to her 'sanity of mind'.' He ignored the lethal glares protruding from the purple-haired teen's onyx eyes.

His comforting words didn't ease May's rigid body, 'You see, Dawn has this thing when it comes to singing. It's like stage-fright and dyslexia mixed into one. She has to practice, practice, practice non-stop for at least a week the lyrics before she can preform on stage. I can't say why; it's just a thing she has.'

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