Chapter Two: Introductions

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Chapter Two: Introductions

'Hey, Gary?'

The teenager turned around to face his friend's curious face, Ash Ketchum.

'What's up, Ash?' he asked, absentmindedly slathering his spiked brown hair with more hair gel.

'Well, I've heard there's these new students arriving,' the raven-haired boy began. 'All girls. Apparently, they're called the 'White Roses'.'

'Oh, that band that's been such a huge hit in Unova?' this was news to him.

'Umm, yeah, I think so,' Ash tilted his brown face to the sun as they entered the white gates of Golden Chord Academy.

The school was huge; like a mansion. Well-manicured students occupied the walkways and chatted in groups scattered around and inside the building. All were either talented singers or instrument prodigies.

'Gary!' Somewhere amongst the chattering clamour, a flash of green and violet sauntered up to the pair, with the latter more reluctant.

'Hey Drew, Paul,' the boy nodded to the two teens in turn.


'Do you have any idea of the band called the 'White Roses?' Demanded Drew.

'Uh, yeah, everyone knows them,' Gary shrugged, not seeing the point.

'Well, they've caused such a riot in Unova! Crowds are demanding them to come back, offering a large sum of money in return! This is an even bigger scene than the one in Sinnoh!' The green-haired teen shoved a newspaper into Gary's hands.

Pretending to be interested, the boy studied the front page, with Ash staring from his shoulder.

'Roses Cause Huge Riot In Unova!' The title screamed. The picture was badly taken, with one thumb barely obscuring the view, but the boys could make out a crowd clearly chanting and holding up signs that made no sense.

'Okay...' Gary handed back the folded newspaper to Drew. 'What does that have to do with anything?'

Drew let out a huff of impatience, 'Look, those girls are stealing our spotlight. Heck, Kalos hasn't even met them yet, but I know as soon as they come, the whole region will be forgetting about the 'Dark Horses'!'

'Drew,' Paul put a hand on his shoulder, startling the group. It wasn't every day the quiet teen made a comforting move to his friends, if his mind even envisioned them as friends.

Drew turned around slowly, expecting kind words, 'Yes?'

'Shut up,' the emo teen bonked him on the head with his fist. 'The paparazzi must be getting to you. And you're making a scene.'

Gary stifled a laugh with Ash looked ahead, not really noticing what had happened due to his denseness.

A bell started to ring.

'Oh, shiz, class is starting,' muttered Gary with distain.

'At least you've got class with the most awesome guys in the Academy,' Drew smirked, slinging a lazy arm around his friend's shoulder.

'Thrilled,' Gary exclaimed sarcastically as they started to walk into the building to their first class.

Mobs of screaming 'I love you Drew!' and 'You're the best, Ash!',
'Marry me Gary!' and even 'I switched to being goth, just for you Paul!' but the boys paid no heed to their desperate cries and entered the classroom.

Vocal Class was first. Like the name suggested, it was a class where you flaunted your singing talents and improved on those rough edges around the high notes.

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