The plan

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The cave was dark and it was gloomy. The dragon inside didn't care though to him it felt like home. Of course it would be more like home if the dragon in armor wasn't staring at him like he was imagining his death. "So the prophecy has been revealed.", the first dragon said. "Yes it is, this could prove disastrous. When will you attack the mountain, you said you needed something there.", the dragon in armor said. "All in good time death knight.", the first dragon said, "You know how I drag out the plan. Everything must fall in place."  "It better fall in place soon Soul or else I will kill you.", The death knight said. Soul looking at him like he would enjoy biting his head off said very coolly, "Very well then, I will attack on the night of the schools homecoming dance and talent show... Happy?"   "Ecstatic", came the reply.


Moon was nervous, as in she started to fail some classes because she couldn't stop thinking about Homecoming nervous. It's the first time Jade Mountain Academy ever did this and it sent the school into excitement and nervousness. The Talent show also had some dragons excited, finally able to show off their skills to the entire school. Moon wanted to be in the talent show but she didn't know what talent she had. "MOON!!", Kinkajou shrieked as she rushed into Moon's Dorm, "guess what?!?! Turtle asked me to the Homecoming dance! Is this the best day in my life or what?!?" "That's excellent news!", Moon exclaimed a little jealous. "aww don't worry I'm sure Qibli will ask you aren't you two together?", Kinkajou said sympathetically. "No not anymore....but it isn't Qibli I hope will ask me, it's Winter." Kinkajou looked at Moon with a confused expression, "But I thought he didn't like you?" "Well I think he does", Moon countered, "Besides I think I made it pretty obvious on who won my heart." "Okay then if you say so I hope he asks you. I know you two would make a great couple", Kinkajou said as she headed out, "Let me know if he does, bye." "Bye"


"Should I ask her to the dance", Winter asked, "I mean she gave me some signs I hope. Maybe I was just imagining them, maybe she's still with Qibli. I can't do this!" "Calm DOWN. Your like a fish trying to keep up with the school", Turtle said while chuckling at how the Icewing was breaking down, "Here I was going to sing this to Kinkajou but you need it more besides I can write a new song. Turtle hands a sheet of music to Winter who quickly reads it over. "Are you sure this will work", Winter asked. Turtle looked at Winter with an amused expression, "Yes, I am sure but sing it to her after the talent show okay?"

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